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Physical Science – Structures and Materials (SM)

monster about to sneeze

How does snot work?

Hands-on Activities

Make some fake snot and explore the function of mucus in this fun activity.

How many drops of water can you rest on one coin?

How many drops of water can you rest on one coin?

Hands-on Activities

Explore surface tension in this hands on challenge activity.

Water slides

How Surfaces Affect Motion


Will it slide or stick? Students conduct a fair test to investigate how different solid surfaces affect the movement of an object on a ramp.

How tall can you build a marshmallow structure that will support weight?

How tall can you build a marshmallow structure that will support weight?

Hands-on Activities

Are you willing to give up a sweet treat for the sake of science? Can you engineer a strong and stable structure out of something soft and fluffy?

Paddleboat on the Fraser River, BC

How can we make a paddle boat?

Hands-on Activities

Make and test a model paddle boat and learn about potential and kinetic energy.

How do scuba divers sink?

How do scuba divers sink?

Hands-on Activities

It’s not easy to dive deep underwater. How do divers get down deep? Learn how scuba divers manipulate density to move up and down in this hands on activity.

How does detergent work?

How does detergent work?

Hands-on Activities

Become a pro at washing dishes! Learn how the chemical structure of detergent makes it perfect for attracting grease and grime.

How can I build a rollercoaster?

How can I build a rollercoaster?

Hands-on Activities

Try your hand at building a “super coaster” using materials around your home.

How can I get a quarter through a dime sized hole?

How can I get a quarter through a dime sized hole?

Hands-on Activities

Can you think like an engineer? Try to solve a tricky size and shape problem in this activity.

How can I make a bottle rocket?

How can I make a bottle rocket?

Hands-on Activities

Use a pop bottle and other everyday materials to create a rocket that you can launch outdoors.

Bee exiting a bee house

Design & Build a Bee House


Students will learn about the human impacts on bee populations as they design, test, build and observe a structure for solitary bees.

Shoe tread (aligraham, Pixabay)

Design & Build a Non-Slip Boot Tread


Students work collaboratively to design and build a boot tread that will use friction to prevent slipping on an incline.


Tall Towers & Sustainable Cities


Students will design and build a model apartment building and learn how buildings such as these can be a solution for suburban sprawl.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Buildings: Around The World

Picture Collections

13 images of some buildings from around the world including where they are located such as the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

Apprentice Plumber At Construction Site

Buildings: Construction Site

Picture Collections

10 images of buildings in various stages of construction, some equipment being used and some people who work on construction sites