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How does snot work?

monster about to sneeze

Monster about to sneeze (Dana Ignatenko, iStockphoto)

monster about to sneeze

Monster about to sneeze (Dana Ignatenko, iStockphoto)

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Make some fake snot and explore the function of mucus in this fun activity.

What You Need

  • Light corn syrup
  • Unflavoured gelatin
  • Water
  • Measuring cup
  • Microwave oven, stove or kettle
  • Spoon
  • Fork
  • Microwave proof container
  • Vacuum cleaner or broom with dustpan

Safety First!

Adults should provide assistance and supervision in preparing the hot water and handling hot liquids.

Dust from the vacuum cleaner is very fine and care should be taken to avoid breathing it in.

What to Do

  1. Heat 1/2 cup water until it boils. Remove from heat.
  2. Sprinkle 3 envelopes of unflavoured gelatin into the hot water. Let it soften for a few minutes and stir with a fork.
  3. Add enough corn syrup to make 1 cup of thick glop.
  4. Stir with a fork and lift out long strands of gunk. As it cools, you'll need to add more water, spoonful by spoonful.
  5. Ask an adult to show you the right way to change the vacuum cleaner bag. If you don't have a vacuum cleaner with bags, sweep around the house and collect some dust and dirt in your dustpan. Take either your vacuum cleaner bag or your dustpan outside with your fake snot.
  6. Dump a pinch of dust onto your fake snot. Now stir it up. Look closely into the goo from the side. You just made fake boogers!

The muscus in your nose works like the fake snot to trap all the dust, pollen and other particles floating in the air. Sometimes when you blow your nose, gross black stuff comes out. It's usually mucus with trapped dust. It's healthier to keep that kind of dirt outside of our bodies. And with the miracle of snot on guard, most of the junk is trapped and then blown out in boogers!

Mucus is vital for good health! It helps protect lungs and keeps tissues from drying out. Nasal mucus (snot!) protects lungs by preventing the entry of bacteria, pollen and other harmful particles that could cause irritation and infection. Our airways are lined with lots of tiny hairs called cilia. These move in unison (like a "wave" at a stadium) to push mucus towards the back of the throat where it is swallowed. Once swallowed, stomach acids destroy any infectious agents that may have been present in the mucus. But if the mucus dries out before it can be carried to the back of the throat, it becomes a booger!

  • How much dust can your fake snot hold?
  • Try making your snot runnier (with more water) or thicker (with more syrup or gelatin). What do you notice about the amount of dust that is captured when the fake snot is runnier? Thicker?

For more information on this topic check out these Let's Talk Science resources:

  • How much air do I breath in? (Hands-on Activities) - Learn how to measure lung capacity and about the factors that can affect our lung capacity in this hands on activity.
  • How fast does a heart pump blood? (Hands-on Activities) - Get active in this activity and explore the impact of exercise on your heart rate. Ready, set, GO!
  • Stethoscope Replica (Interactives) - Using stethoscopes, doctors can use sound waves to detect various health issues. Learn how this device has evolved since it was invented in 1816!

What’s happening?

The muscus in your nose works like the fake snot to trap all the dust, pollen and other particles floating in the air. Sometimes when you blow your nose, gross black stuff comes out. It's usually mucus with trapped dust. It's healthier to keep that kind of dirt outside of our bodies. And with the miracle of snot on guard, most of the junk is trapped and then blown out in boogers!

Why does it matter?

Mucus is vital for good health! It helps protect lungs and keeps tissues from drying out. Nasal mucus (snot!) protects lungs by preventing the entry of bacteria, pollen and other harmful particles that could cause irritation and infection. Our airways are lined with lots of tiny hairs called cilia. These move in unison (like a "wave" at a stadium) to push mucus towards the back of the throat where it is swallowed. Once swallowed, stomach acids destroy any infectious agents that may have been present in the mucus. But if the mucus dries out before it can be carried to the back of the throat, it becomes a booger!

Investigate further

  • How much dust can your fake snot hold?
  • Try making your snot runnier (with more water) or thicker (with more syrup or gelatin). What do you notice about the amount of dust that is captured when the fake snot is runnier? Thicker?

For more information on this topic check out these Let's Talk Science resources:

  • How much air do I breath in? (Hands-on Activities) - Learn how to measure lung capacity and about the factors that can affect our lung capacity in this hands on activity.
  • How fast does a heart pump blood? (Hands-on Activities) - Get active in this activity and explore the impact of exercise on your heart rate. Ready, set, GO!
  • Stethoscope Replica (Interactives) - Using stethoscopes, doctors can use sound waves to detect various health issues. Learn how this device has evolved since it was invented in 1816!