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Unit B: Ecosystems and Population Change

Wild elk in boreal forest, Banff National Park

Boreal Forest/Taiga Biome


Learn about the location, plants, animals, human impacts and conservation of the boreal forest/Taiga biome and meet Anne-Claude Pépin who is a fire management technician.

Kara Layton sous l'eau en habit de plongée sous-marine

Kara Layton

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kara Layton is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Variety of plant groups in Banff National Park, Alberta

Plant Taxonomy


Learn about the categories, or phylum, of the plant kingdom with examples from each.


What is an Insect?


The What is an Insect? e-book explores the amazing world of insects while showing the characteristics and diversity of insects.

Carly Silver | Écologiste associée

Carly Silver

Career Profiles

Associate Ecologist

Carly Silver is an Associate Ecologist for Stantec Consulting Ltd.
fossil plants and animals

Why Scientists Believe in Evolution

STEM Explained

Scientists have accumulated so much evidence in the theory of evolution that it is one of the most widely-accepted theories in science.

Arctic pack ice

Why Don't Fish Freeze in Cold Arctic Waters?

STEM Explained

Ever wonder how fish survive in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic? It’s partly because of a brilliant evolutionary adaptation.

DNA barcoding used to test food

The Classification of Life: From Linnaeus to DNA Barcoding


Learn about two taxonomy systems that scientists use to classify the life around us.

Cartoon mammoth

Should Scientists Clone Extinct Species?

STEM Explained

Cloning makes it possible to bring extinct species back to life. But is that a good idea?

Great tits eat from a bird feeder

Natural Selection in Your Backyard

STEM Explained

A study on bird feeders and beak sizes shows how an everyday human activity can affect the evolution of another species.

Swallowtail butterfly

Insects: Part 2

Picture Collections

10 images of some animals that have 6 legs and 3 main body parts consisting of a head, thorax and abdomen.

How does water move up a plant?

How does water move up a plant?

Hands-on Activities

Do an experiment with celery to learn about the structures that help plants take up water.

dung beetle rolling dung

How to Find a Mate When You Smell Like Dung

STEM Explained

Some dung beetles use alternative reproductive tactics to increase their chances of finding a mate. Learn what this tells us about evolution and biodiversity.

Ant, showing mandibles

Insects: Part 1

Picture Collections

10 images of some animals such as ants and mosquitoes that have 6 legs and 3 main body parts consisting of a head, thorax and abdomen.

How do I construct a terrarium?

How do I construct a terrarium?

Hands-on Activities

You can make your own terrarium for growing plants!