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Unit C: Disease Defence and Human Health

portrait par Marianne Parent

Marianne Parent (she/her)

Career Profiles

Veterinarian and PhD Candidate (Animal Epidemiology)

I am a doctor to cats and dogs, as well as some other animals, such as parrots and rabbits. I also do research into a parasite of farmed salmon.
Li Tan, vêtu d'une blouse de laboratoire de couleur blanche, souriant dans son laboratoire.

Li Tan (he/him)

Career Profiles

Molecular Lead

I coordinate the day-to-day operations in the DNA Extraction Lab.
Five people, each wearing a white lab coat, standing around a lab bench that has scientific equipment on it.

Li Tan (Video)

Career Profiles

Molecular Lead

I coordinate the day-to-day operations in the DNA Extraction Lab.
Derek So lit un livre

Derek So

Career Profiles

Ph.D. Candidate (Human Genetics)

I research and study the ethics of genetically modifying humans.
Daria Iskakova headshot

Daria Iskakova (she/her)

Career Profiles

Senior Laboratory Technologist

I work in a genomics lab to identify plants and animals using DNA samples.
Cornfield in Ontario

Let's Talk Food Resources


Discover a set of resources curated to get you ready to discuss sustainable agriculture and food security.

Harvesting plants

Using Plants to Make Medicines


Learn how plants can be used to make vaccines.

portrait de Rhiannon Cooper

Rhiannon Cooper (she/her)

Career Profiles


I monitor the patterns and trends of infectious diseases across the province.
Illustration of an empty box with a question mark

Let's Talk Misinformation: Resources


Discover a set of resources to get you thinking about misinformation and its spread in advance of the symposium Let's Talk Misinformation.

Portrait de Andrea Goldson-Barnaby

Andrea Goldson-Barnaby

Career Profiles

Head of the Food division

I teach and do research on the topics of Food Chemistry and Food Processing.
Constance Hanna en train de travailler sur des machines

Constance Hanna (she/her)

Career Profiles

Industrial Maintenance Millwright

I fix all types of machines that make and package food Items.
Allison Guitor

Allison Guitor

Career Profiles

Researcher - Antibiotic Resistance

I study antibiotic resistance, which is what makes bacteria able to live in the presence of antibiotics.
Manpreet Kaur dans son laboratoire

Manpreet Kaur (She/Her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Fellow

I work on research projects to discover drugs to treat infectious diseases.
Portrait de Isha Berry

Isha Berry

Career Profiles


I look for patterns in disease outbreaks and health outcomes in populations across the world.
Portrait de Jasmin Chahal

Jasmin Chahal

Career Profiles

Assistant Professor

I teach in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at McGill University.