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Strand B: Sustainable Ecosystems and Climate Change

Timea Filer | Technicienne de terrain en foresterie urbaine

Timea Filer

Career Profiles

Urban Forestry Field Technician, City of Guelph

Timea Filer is an Urban Forestry Field Technician for the City of Guelph.
Heather Dover | Arboricultrice

Heather Dover

Career Profiles


Heather Dover is an arborist for Davey Tree Expert Company of Canada Ltd.
Warren Bills | Développement numérique des entreprises agricoles

Warren Bills

Digital Farming Business Development

Warren Bills works on Digital Farming Business Development for Bayer Crop Science.
Andrew Newman | Mechanical Tree Harvester

Andrew Newman (Video)

Career Profiles

Mechanical Tree Harvester

Andrew Newman is a mechanical tree harvester in Ontario.
Lacey Rose - County Forester, County of Renfrew

Lacey Rose (Video)

County Forester

Lacey Rose is a County Forester, currently located in Ontario.
Lacey Rose | Experte-forestière, comté de Renfrew

Lacey Rose

Career Profiles

County Forester

Lacey Rose is a County Forester for the County of Renfrew.
Valerie Song | Présidente-directrice générale d’ AVA Technologies Inc.

Valerie Song


Valerie Song is the CEO of Ava technologies Inc. in British Columbia.
Katharine Scotton |  Experte-conseil en environnement, PGL Environmental Consultants

Katharine Scotton

Career Profiles

Environmental Consultant

Katharine Scotton is an Environmental Consultant for PGL Environmental Consultants.
Meredith Ann Epp | Gestionnaire des communications et du marketing

Meredith Ann Epp

Career Profiles

Communications and Marketing Manager

Meredith Ann Epp is the Communications and Marketing Manager for the Marine Stewardship Council Oceania.
Stephanie Good | Responsable de la certification des pêches

Stephanie Good

Career Profiles

Senior Fisheries Certification Manager

Stephanie Good is a Senior Fisheries Certification Manager for Marine Stewardship Council.
Lucy Erickson | Gestionnaire des communications scientifiques pour le Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Lucy Erickson

Career Profiles

Science Communications Manager

Lucy Erickson is the Science Communications Manager for the Marine Stewardship Council/MSC.
Linda Jewell | Chercheuse scientifique en phytopathologie

Linda Jewell

Career Profiles

Research Scientist in Plant Pathology

Linda Jewell is a Research Scientist in Plant Pathology at St. John’s Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Angela Mcisaac | Ingénieure en environnement, 3M Canada

Angela McIsaac

Career Profiles

Environmental Engineer

Angela McIsaac is an environmental engineer with 3M Canada Company.
Greta Chiu | Rédactrice technique en agriculture

Greta Chiu

Career Profiles

Agricultural Technical Writer

Greta Chiu is an agricultural technical writer for Kenna Communications.
Fred Sheppard | Agent de développement de produits, expérience des visiteurs

Fred Sheppard

Career Profiles

Visitor Experience Product Development Officer

Fred Sheppard is a visitor experience product development officer for Parks Canada.