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Government of Canada Invests in Let’s Talk Science, Boosting National STEM Education Opportunities for Children and Youth

News and Media Releases

Media Releases

May 26, 2024

Let’s Talk Science, a national, charitable education and outreach organization – is pleased to announce the Government of Canada’s commitment to provide $28.5 million in funding over five years. The investment, provided through the Strategic Science Fund, will begin in 2024 and will have a significant impact towards our ability to deliver programming that supports skills and competency development in children and youth across Canada through STEM education.
Students in science lab

Why STEM Education Matters and What Needs to Change

News and Media Releases


May 7, 2024

“We have an opportunity to introduce more young people to the wonders of science,” says Bonnie Schmidt, founder of Let's Talk Science. “We must evolve how we teach STEM to make it more inclusive, accessible, and relevant to young people."

These young Canadians are pushing the boundaries of science

CBC's The Current

News and Media Releases

In the Media

The Current with Matt Galloway meets two young scientists who are inventing the future for the benefit of others.
Collage of modern adults using smart phones in city with wifi signals

From Cell Phones to Robots: 30 Years of Workplace Evolution with Let’s Talk Science

News and Media Releases


November 17, 2023

This year marks the 30th anniversary of Let’s Talk Science and much has changed over three decades. Cell phones have shrunk from the size of a brick to something that fits in our pockets.
Mission : Innovation, powered by Let's Talk Science

Coming to classrooms this January - Mission : Innovation 

News and Media Releases


November 2, 2023

Let's Talk Science is pleased to introduce a new interdisciplinary project incorporating global competencies to empower students with the skills and mindsets they need to become true innovators. The development of this exciting project is a collaborative effort between the team of educational specialists at Let’s Talk Science and teacher advisors from across Canada.
Child looking at technology

Let’s Talk Science Prepares a New Generation of Innovators to Fuel the Future

News and Media Releases


October 6, 2023

At a time when the world faces seemingly intractable problems, innovation is often heralded as the solution. Innovation helps us adapt to change, fosters growth and prosperity, and improves lives. It’s a focus of attention and investment for governments and companies seeking to get a competitive advantage. Let’s Talk Science, an educational innovator for 30 years, is now taking steps to ensure that innovation is part of the mindset of students across Canada.
Teacher and student discussion in classroom

Busting the Innovation Myths

News and Media Releases


August 31, 2023

Think you know what innovation is? Here are some common myths about innovation (and the straight goods on each one).
Students discussing project outside

Let's Talk Innovation Mindset!

News and Media Releases


August 31, 2023

At a time when the world faces seemingly intractable problems, innovation is often heralded as the solution. Innovation helps us adapt to change, fosters growth and prosperity, and can make life better.
Children looking at a leaf closely with a magnifying glass

Why getting kids outdoors is so important for fighting climate change

News and Media Releases


While it once felt like a problem of the future, a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate C