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DK 1.2: The solar system impacts life on earth.

A family watches an eclipse

Eclipse Watching

Hands-on Activities

Things to do on solar eclipse day!

Lenny and Lexie wearing eclipse glasses

Lenny and Lexie Get Ready for a Solar Eclipse

Hands-on Activities

Help Lenny and Lexie get ready for a solar eclipse using your unplugged coding skills.

Child using box eclipse viewer

Three Ways to Make a Solar Eclipse Viewer

Hands-on Activities

Safely view a solar eclipse by making and using a pinhole solar eclipse viewer.

SuperDARN radar station

Observing and Predicting Space Weather in Canada


Learn about how Canadian scientists observe and predict space weather.

Annular solar eclipse taken by a solar optical telescope

Get Ready for a Total Solar Eclipse!


Learn all about solar eclipses.

Solar corona

Introducing the Sun


Learn the basics of the star we call the Sun.

Daedulus crater on the Moon

Impact Craters


Learn about how craters are formed and about some of Canada's impact craters.

Lunar eclipse

The Earth Moon System


Answers to some common questions about Earth’s Moon.

Telescope under construction

Seeing the Universe with the James Webb Telescope


Learn about the James Webb telescope and Canada’s role in the mission.

Lunar lander floating above the moon, with the Earth in the background

Let's Talk Space Exploration Resources


Discover a set of resources to develop background knowledge on the topic of space exploration.

Mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars projected into point perspective

Let's Talk Mars Resources


Discover a set of resources to get you up to speed on the discussion surrounding Mars

The face of the planet Mars (NASA)

Destination Mars


Discover how space agencies have explored the Red Planet in the past and present and learn about the future of human spaceflight to the red planet.

Red soil on the surface of Mars

Soil on Mars


Learn how soil is different on Mars than on Earth, and what that means for growing plants on the red planet.

Astronauts from the Apollo Mission landing on the moon.

Let's Talk Lunar Resources


Discover some background information on how we'll learn to live and work on the Moon - and beyond!

Astronaut standing on Mars with Earth in the background

Earth vs. Mars


Learn about the characteristics of the Earth and Mars, two planets in our Solar System.