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Portrait de Devon Hardy

Devon Hardy (she/her/elle)

Career Profiles

Program Director

I run a non-profit program that supports environmental sustainability in the arts.
Saskatchewan River Delta, Manitoba

What is a Fractal?


Learn about fractals and try making some yourself!

David Harris

David Harris

Superintendent Special Projects: HR

Amy King dans un studio d'enregistrement

Amy King

Music Producer / Recording Engineer

Amy King is a Music Producer / Recording Engineer for Grant Avenue Studio.
How does sound travel?

How does sound travel?

Hands-on Activities

Try out this cool activity to hear sound vibrations.

President - Jean-Paul De Roover Inc

Jean-Paul De Roover (Video)

Music Entrepreneur

Jean-Paul De Roover is a Music Entrepreneur, located in Ontario.
Jean-Paul De Roover

Jean-Paul De Roover

Career Profiles


Jean-Paul De Roover is the President of Jean-Paul De Roover Inc.