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Educational Pathways

portrait par Gordon Martell

Gordon Martell (he/him)

Career Profiles

Assistant Professor

I teach post-secondary students to be leaders in schools and other organizations.
portrait par George Mitchell

George Michell (he/him)

Career Profiles

Indigenous Liaison & Recruitment Coordinator

I work with local Indigenous communities to increase representation at Seaspan and create a safe work environment.
Engineer inspecting a solar panel

Careers In Sustainability


Students explore non-traditional careers related to sustainability and sustainable development.

Celebrity talk show

Career Talk Show


Students will research a career (or career sector) and role-play being a person in that career being interviewed by a talk show host.

Electrical engineers at work

Engineering a Future Career


Students explore the different branches of engineering and discover the similarities and differences between them.

2 students in science classroom

Chantale Fortin


Students working together on a laptop

Learning About Technological Careers


Students will research careers and post-secondary pathways related to their current course. 

Boot on a shovel

Is This For Me? Reflecting On Occupational Fit


Students engage in self-reflection as they consider occupational fit and how various career options align with their personal strengths and preferences.

Help wanted sign

Help Wanted: STEM Career


Students will produce a Help Wanted Ad that lists the skills, personality attributes and job conditions for a specific career/job title. 

Working group analyzing reports

How Does STEM Support Non-STEM Careers?


Students will explore how STEM skills are needed in non-STEM careers.

Engineers at work

Exploring Engineering Careers


Students will learn about the different types of engineering and the various post-secondary pathways available.

Sanchari Sen Rai, autoportrait

Sanchari Sen Rai

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Sanchari Sen Rai works with prospective students who are considering higher education opportunities in Canada.
Formal and informal education

The Role of Formal and Informal Education


Students will develop an understanding of the differences between, and value of, both formal and informal education in the career development process.

Learning About Educational Pathways

Learning About Educational Pathways


Students will be aware of and understand the importance of, various learning pathways that lead to successful life and work experiences.
Students will become aware of the variety of STEM careers available in each of these different learning pathways.