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Exploring Tree Rings

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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Learn how tree rings can give scientists important information about the changing climate conditions in an area.

What You Need

  • Tree rings
  • Magnifying glass


What To Do

Examine the tree ring. Based on the number of rings, how old could this tree have been? Count the spaces between the light wood and the dark wood as one year, starting from the centre.

  • What else do you notice about each tree ring?
  • Why do you think some rings are lighter and some darker?

Use the image provided to see what else you can find out about this tree.

Wider growth rings mean the climate was good for a tree live in. Consistently shorter growth rings may mean the climate around the tree may be getting less ideal for growth.

The width of the growth rings gives scientists important information about the climate around the tree. Scientists can use this information from the past to predict future climate in that area and plan for the future.

What's Happening?

Wider growth rings mean the climate was good for a tree live in. Consistently shorter growth rings may mean the climate around the tree may be getting less ideal for growth.

Why Does It Matter?

The width of the growth rings gives scientists important information about the climate around the tree. Scientists can use this information from the past to predict future climate in that area and plan for the future.