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Hula Hooping

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Learn about centripetal force!

What You Need

Materials per student

  • Pencil
  • Elastic


Safety Notes

Ensure you are familiar with Let's Talk Science's precautions with respect to safe virtual delivery to youth.

What To Do

  • Have each student hold the pencil upright and loop the rubber band over the pencil.
  • Tell them to slowly start twirling the pencil and keep twirling faster and faster.
  • Ask them to start  twirling the pencil as fast as they can. What happens to the elastic?
  • Have them try tilting the pencil at an angle while continuing to twirl the pencil. What happens?
  • Have them try moving and rotating their hand and wrist around as they twirl the elastic. What happens?

A force is a push or pull. There are many forces acting on your "hula hoop" as they twirl the elastic around the pencil. One of these forces is known as "centripetal force" which is the force that helps objects move in a circular or curved motion.

What's Happening?

A force is a push or pull. There are many forces acting on your "hula hoop" as they twirl the elastic around the pencil. One of these forces is known as "centripetal force" which is the force that helps objects move in a circular or curved motion.