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Hunt the Organelle!

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Biology Volunteer Activities
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Biology Volunteer Activities
Activity Language
Time Needed for Activity

Students will learn the difference between animal and plant cells and obtain an understanding of the major organelles by conducting a scavenger hunt.

In this activity, students will learn the different between an animal cell and a plant cell, and discuss the different types of organelles that help our cells carry out their roles.

What You Need

Let's Hunt for the Organelle!

This activity requires no materials but asks the students to find objects in the room that resemble the function of the organelle. The volunteer will require a computer/screen in order to display the PowerPoint to students. 


Safety Notes

Ensure you are familiar with Let's Talk Science's precautions with respect to safe delivery of virtual outreach to youth. These precautions can be found in the manual for this activity. 

What To Do


  1. A picture of the organelle will be presented.
  2. Discuss the function of the organelle.
  3. You will be asked to find an object that resembles the function of that organelle. If students cannot find an object, they can brainstorm one.

The cell is the fundamental unit of all living things. This activity allows students to learn about the function of cells, their organelles and why they are important to our everyday lives. This activity also discusses the difference between a plant and animal cell and why these differences exist.

What's Happening?

The cell is the fundamental unit of all living things. This activity allows students to learn about the function of cells, their organelles and why they are important to our everyday lives. This activity also discusses the difference between a plant and animal cell and why these differences exist.