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Anne Simonen

Civil Engineering Technologist

Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.

Created On: May 15, 2020
Education Pathway: College/Technical

Learn About My Career

Anne Simonen is a Civil Engineering Technologist for Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd..

I was born/grew up in: I grew up in Rossland, BC

I now live in:  Nelson, BC

I completed my training/education at: I did my Diploma of Civil Engineering at BCIT. Later I completed a Bachelor Degree in Construction Management there too.

What my day looks like will be different depending on what projects I’m working on. Sometimes I need to learn something new so I do research. For example, when I was involved in a wastewater treatment project in Dawson City, Yukon, I researched a lot about northern climates. I also did research on how you have to build things differently in the extreme north to prevent freezing.

On a day where I’m designing something like a water main, I’ll do calculations, usually using Excel. These calculations help me make sure the pipe is the right size to make sure enough water can get through to all the houses and fire hydrants. Then I use a computer program to draw the water main in 3D so a contractor can build it. Some days I go to the site to make sure the contractor is building according to my design. I work as part of a team. My team includes my supervisor who checks my work. It also includes my colleagues who I’m working directly with on the project.

I’m always engaged in problem solving. Sometimes the problems are simple. Simple problems are those that have a solution I learned about in school or for which there are guidelines on how to solve. There are always problems that even experts don’t have set answers for. When this happens, I work with the other people on the project to try to come up with a new solution.

In terms of school subjects, I definitely use a lot of physics, math and general science. There is also a lot of creativity involved in what I do. When I’m creating drawings for a contractor to use, it’s a creative process. We always want to make sure that what we build is useful but also looks nice. It takes an eye for detail and creativity to do this really well. Problem solving is also a creative act because you have to look at things from different viewpoints to figure out the best answer. Often, the answer is not obvious.

When I was I school, I really liked literature and English language arts. I did a lot better in these subjects than in math or science. I originally thought I was going to get a degree in English Literature. However, in grade 11 I did a pasta bridge contest in physics class. I thought it was fun, so I went home and googled “who builds bridges?” I didn’t even know what engineering was! I learned that civil engineering is where bridges were designed and built. Civil engineering is what makes towns and cities work. It can cover the design and construction of bridges, water mains, sewer mains, and roads. It is also involved in storm water management, water and wastewater treatment (and a lot more!). 

I applied to do the Civil Engineering diploma at BCIT because it is only 2 years. I figured if I didn’t like engineering, I could quit after 2 years and would still have a diploma and could get a job. A civil engineering degree program would take 4 years. School was really hard and I failed a few courses. I had to do them again and they made a lot more sense the second time around, and this didn’t affect my career. I don’t remember if I thought about gender a lot when deciding to pursue engineering.  I did get a hard time from some people who doubted whether an English nerd like me would succeed, especially because I was not very good at math. I had to work hard to improve my grades, but I showed them I could do it!  Later I went back to BCIT to complete a Bachelor Degree in Construction Management. This gave me the knowledge and credentials to lead engineering projects.

The favourite part of my job is when I get to do contract administration and project management. These are tasks where you work to make sure a project is done properly. This means that the project is built according to the drawings and on time. It also means that no more money is spent than was agreed upon.

I also like this work because it takes a lot of teamwork. For the best results, you have to have input from the contractor building the project, the client who is paying for it to be built, and the engineer who designed the project. I’m a good communicator, so summarizing issues, tasks, and updates to all these people is fairly easy for me and enjoyable. These tasks also require a good head for fairness. For example, I make sure that the contractor is being fair to the owner, and that the owner fair to the contractor. Sometimes there are disagreements, and I have to make sure everyone is treated fairly. To do this I get everybody’s opinion and look at the contract (the book of rules for the construction project). Using this I figure out what is fair for everybody. This also takes a great deal of problem solving too. I like the idea of helping build fairness in the world. It is rewarding to me to be seen as trustworthy by both the client and contractor and help everybody work together to build something that betters society.

My work matters because I help make sure people and the environment are both healthy. My work helps make sure that people have safe drinking water at their taps. I also make sure that the wastewater that goes down household drains is treated and safe for the environment before it gets discharged. Storm water management helps make sure cities don’t flood from rainfall. It also protects the environment too by making sure oils and other pollutants on roads and sidewalks don’t flow into our lakes and rivers.

My favourite activity is volunteering with Girl Guides. I lead a unit of about 20 Guides where I teach leadership and life skills, as well as other things that interest them. I have a small sailboat on Kootenay Lake that keeps me busy in the summer (along with hiking). In the winter I cross-country ski. Year ‘round I’m also an avid reader, which fills all the rest of my time.

 The best thing I did is accept that it is okay not to know something and learn to say “I don’t know” without feeling shame. It was great for my mental health to accept it and get help rather than worry that somebody will “find out”.

What I do at work

What my day looks like will be different depending on what projects I’m working on. Sometimes I need to learn something new so I do research. For example, when I was involved in a wastewater treatment project in Dawson City, Yukon, I researched a lot about northern climates. I also did research on how you have to build things differently in the extreme north to prevent freezing.

On a day where I’m designing something like a water main, I’ll do calculations, usually using Excel. These calculations help me make sure the pipe is the right size to make sure enough water can get through to all the houses and fire hydrants. Then I use a computer program to draw the water main in 3D so a contractor can build it. Some days I go to the site to make sure the contractor is building according to my design. I work as part of a team. My team includes my supervisor who checks my work. It also includes my colleagues who I’m working directly with on the project.

I’m always engaged in problem solving. Sometimes the problems are simple. Simple problems are those that have a solution I learned about in school or for which there are guidelines on how to solve. There are always problems that even experts don’t have set answers for. When this happens, I work with the other people on the project to try to come up with a new solution.

In terms of school subjects, I definitely use a lot of physics, math and general science. There is also a lot of creativity involved in what I do. When I’m creating drawings for a contractor to use, it’s a creative process. We always want to make sure that what we build is useful but also looks nice. It takes an eye for detail and creativity to do this really well. Problem solving is also a creative act because you have to look at things from different viewpoints to figure out the best answer. Often, the answer is not obvious.

My career path is

When I was I school, I really liked literature and English language arts. I did a lot better in these subjects than in math or science. I originally thought I was going to get a degree in English Literature. However, in grade 11 I did a pasta bridge contest in physics class. I thought it was fun, so I went home and googled “who builds bridges?” I didn’t even know what engineering was! I learned that civil engineering is where bridges were designed and built. Civil engineering is what makes towns and cities work. It can cover the design and construction of bridges, water mains, sewer mains, and roads. It is also involved in storm water management, water and wastewater treatment (and a lot more!). 

I applied to do the Civil Engineering diploma at BCIT because it is only 2 years. I figured if I didn’t like engineering, I could quit after 2 years and would still have a diploma and could get a job. A civil engineering degree program would take 4 years. School was really hard and I failed a few courses. I had to do them again and they made a lot more sense the second time around, and this didn’t affect my career. I don’t remember if I thought about gender a lot when deciding to pursue engineering.  I did get a hard time from some people who doubted whether an English nerd like me would succeed, especially because I was not very good at math. I had to work hard to improve my grades, but I showed them I could do it!  Later I went back to BCIT to complete a Bachelor Degree in Construction Management. This gave me the knowledge and credentials to lead engineering projects.

I am motivated by

The favourite part of my job is when I get to do contract administration and project management. These are tasks where you work to make sure a project is done properly. This means that the project is built according to the drawings and on time. It also means that no more money is spent than was agreed upon.

I also like this work because it takes a lot of teamwork. For the best results, you have to have input from the contractor building the project, the client who is paying for it to be built, and the engineer who designed the project. I’m a good communicator, so summarizing issues, tasks, and updates to all these people is fairly easy for me and enjoyable. These tasks also require a good head for fairness. For example, I make sure that the contractor is being fair to the owner, and that the owner fair to the contractor. Sometimes there are disagreements, and I have to make sure everyone is treated fairly. To do this I get everybody’s opinion and look at the contract (the book of rules for the construction project). Using this I figure out what is fair for everybody. This also takes a great deal of problem solving too. I like the idea of helping build fairness in the world. It is rewarding to me to be seen as trustworthy by both the client and contractor and help everybody work together to build something that betters society.

How I affect peoples’ lives

My work matters because I help make sure people and the environment are both healthy. My work helps make sure that people have safe drinking water at their taps. I also make sure that the wastewater that goes down household drains is treated and safe for the environment before it gets discharged. Storm water management helps make sure cities don’t flood from rainfall. It also protects the environment too by making sure oils and other pollutants on roads and sidewalks don’t flow into our lakes and rivers.

Outside of work I

My favourite activity is volunteering with Girl Guides. I lead a unit of about 20 Guides where I teach leadership and life skills, as well as other things that interest them. I have a small sailboat on Kootenay Lake that keeps me busy in the summer (along with hiking). In the winter I cross-country ski. Year ‘round I’m also an avid reader, which fills all the rest of my time.

My advice to others

 The best thing I did is accept that it is okay not to know something and learn to say “I don’t know” without feeling shame. It was great for my mental health to accept it and get help rather than worry that somebody will “find out”.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Foreign Languages
  • Literature and English language arts
  • Music
  • Science

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Enjoyed doing things on my own
  • Liked helping people
  • Liked reading
  • Felt great satisfaction in getting good grades (in English and French)
  • Played video games
  • Felt at home in the outside, natural environment
  • Didn't really care about grades in most classes
  • Thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do
  • Was in Girl Guides
  • Was in a high school band
  • Got average grades for the most part


Advancing Women in Engineering and Technology

Let's Talk Science would like to thank the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC) for connecting us with the individual profiled above.

Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC) is leading the Advancing Women in Engineering and Technology Project, a Sector Labour Market Partnership project, funded through the Canada-BC Workforce Development Agreement. The project’s goal is to increase the participation of women in the engineering, geoscience, technology and technician occupations through the implementation of diversity and inclusion strategies to recruit, retain and support career development of women to lead a system level cultural shift within these professions.


ASTTBC Technology ProfessionalsFunding provided by the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement

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