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Anthony Davis


Start-up Strategies

Created On: November 6, 2015
Education Pathway: College/Technical , University
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Learn About My Career

Anthony Davis is the owner of Start-up Strategies in Ontario.

I was born/grew up in: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

I now live in: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

I completed my training/education at: Cambrian College and Laurentian University

Being the owner/operator of a business usually means that you wear many hats throughout the day. My business is focused around making sure other businesses succeed so my day can range from managing my business by updating my business plan or doing market research for another company. The decisions I make on a daily basis do not just affect my company but also effects other businesses that have hired me to assist them.

Through the use of my education in commerce and technologies I am able to manage my employees effectively while assisting my clients in achieving their goals. Having a strong background in accounting and math allows me to be efficient with my cash flow and maximize my clients finances in order to get them the best return for their dollar. I use many different programs that help to achieve these goals that are focused around investigating a market to managing funds. To sum up all this fancy business talk: every day I get to make money for people that hire me and for myself while sipping lattes at Starbucks during a business meeting. Life is good.

My education has been focused on commerce since I entered high school. I always knew I wanted to run my own business. In high school I focused on accounting and marketing and businesses law. From there I went to Cambrian College and took Business Administration and graduation with a high enough GPA to get into Laurentian University’s commerce program. At Laurentian I received a cash prize of $5000 from a business plan competition that I placed 1st in. The competition was called Venture Project and entailed that me and a group of classmates create a product from scratch and develop a business plan taking it to market. I invested that money into myself and my business and have not looked back since.

My career choice has made a difference in many business owners lives by allowing them to expand into that new facility where they can help more customers, it has also made a difference to those business owners who didn’t know where to turn when they felt their business was failing. How do I get money to start my new business? I have a great product idea but I have no idea how to get it off the ground, where do I turn to? Those are the questions that keep entrepreneurs awake at night and I am the guy that lets those people sleep comfortably at night. I can teach you how to do it yourself or, for a fee, I can do it for you. I enjoy being able to say that I have made this city a better place because my services increase the available services offered to the city of Sudbury by making sure your local mechanic stays relevant in this market.

My career is relevant to not just my clients but to the people that access their services. If companies like mine did not exist then chances are your local deli where you get that awesome turkey sandwich would not still be in business. Start-up Strategies assists those struggling businesses in changing so that they can thrive in their community. Sometimes businesses that make a profit still need help to continue with their success.

Outside of work I like to remain active and give back to the community. I try to volunteer my time judging or giving speeches to young entrepreneurs to make sure the next generation coming up has motivation and creativity. I also enjoy all types of sports and active living.

If I can offer any advice to a young entrepreneur it is don’t expect an easy ride because entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. But if you are willing to climb that steep hill, at the top is a reward far greater than a pot of gold.

What I do at work

Being the owner/operator of a business usually means that you wear many hats throughout the day. My business is focused around making sure other businesses succeed so my day can range from managing my business by updating my business plan or doing market research for another company. The decisions I make on a daily basis do not just affect my company but also effects other businesses that have hired me to assist them.

Through the use of my education in commerce and technologies I am able to manage my employees effectively while assisting my clients in achieving their goals. Having a strong background in accounting and math allows me to be efficient with my cash flow and maximize my clients finances in order to get them the best return for their dollar. I use many different programs that help to achieve these goals that are focused around investigating a market to managing funds. To sum up all this fancy business talk: every day I get to make money for people that hire me and for myself while sipping lattes at Starbucks during a business meeting. Life is good.

My career path is

My education has been focused on commerce since I entered high school. I always knew I wanted to run my own business. In high school I focused on accounting and marketing and businesses law. From there I went to Cambrian College and took Business Administration and graduation with a high enough GPA to get into Laurentian University’s commerce program. At Laurentian I received a cash prize of $5000 from a business plan competition that I placed 1st in. The competition was called Venture Project and entailed that me and a group of classmates create a product from scratch and develop a business plan taking it to market. I invested that money into myself and my business and have not looked back since.

I am motivated by

My career choice has made a difference in many business owners lives by allowing them to expand into that new facility where they can help more customers, it has also made a difference to those business owners who didn’t know where to turn when they felt their business was failing. How do I get money to start my new business? I have a great product idea but I have no idea how to get it off the ground, where do I turn to? Those are the questions that keep entrepreneurs awake at night and I am the guy that lets those people sleep comfortably at night. I can teach you how to do it yourself or, for a fee, I can do it for you. I enjoy being able to say that I have made this city a better place because my services increase the available services offered to the city of Sudbury by making sure your local mechanic stays relevant in this market.

How I affect peoples’ lives

My career is relevant to not just my clients but to the people that access their services. If companies like mine did not exist then chances are your local deli where you get that awesome turkey sandwich would not still be in business. Start-up Strategies assists those struggling businesses in changing so that they can thrive in their community. Sometimes businesses that make a profit still need help to continue with their success.

Outside of work I

Outside of work I like to remain active and give back to the community. I try to volunteer my time judging or giving speeches to young entrepreneurs to make sure the next generation coming up has motivation and creativity. I also enjoy all types of sports and active living.

My advice to others

If I can offer any advice to a young entrepreneur it is don’t expect an easy ride because entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. But if you are willing to climb that steep hill, at the top is a reward far greater than a pot of gold.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Business & Economics
  • Drama

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Played on a sports team
  • Was motivated by success
  • Liked reading
  • Wanted to be in charge
  • Played video games
  • Always threw the best parties
  • Always knew what I wanted to do

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