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Collette Garland (she/her)

Adult Education Instructor (Microsoft Office Suite)

Eastern Academy

Created On: May 25, 2023
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Learn About My Career

I teach the Microsoft Suite Software to adult students.

I was born/grew up in: I grew up in Upper Island Cove / Cupids, NL.

I now live in: Mount Pearl, NL.

I completed my training/education at: Petroleum Engineering Technology Diploma, College of the North Atlantic, Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Primary/Elementary, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Master of Education (Educational Leadership), Memorial University.

I always had an interest in website design and technology. This interest has really helped me to succeed in this job. Though I am not yet specifically trained by Microsoft to teach these courses, I learned on the job when I came here. Learning on the job took dedication, organization, an ability to learn quickly and to be able to trouble shoot with technology. I completed all 12 weeks of my courses in less than 2 weeks. At the same time, I was teaching what I was learning to my adult students. I also created learning resources to help students with the areas that I felt were more difficult. Those learning resources evolved over time to incorporate requests from students, as well.

My interest in technology helped with the trouble shooting. My background in education enabled me to target areas for improvement and develop resources. I use a computer and software such as Teams, SAM (Skills Assessment Management), Brightspace (D2L), all Microsoft Suites and YouTube. I currently teach in a blended in-class and virtual approach. Each class is four hours long daily, and two weeks long in duration. Recently, I collaborated with our administrative staff to organize a spirit activity that helps to build morale. Being given the opportunity to create goodwill within our team is always a benefit.

The path that got me where I am today was certainly not straightforward. I did learn many valuable things along the way. I began wanting to be a lawyer (everyone told me I was good at arguing). Then decided to do Petroleum Engineering Technology (the money was supposed to be good). After I finished that program, I realized I really didn’t want to do this type of work. I attended Memorial University and finished an Education Degree (this felt more aligned with who I was as a person). I then taught for a few years but could not find permanent work. I then retrained to teach adults. I now teach Microsoft at a college and am working towards my Master of Education. I have encountered many, many challenges along the way. I overcame them all because time moves forward and so will you. You are always stronger than you realize. Check this YouTube video for a summary of my career path.

I am motivated by continuous development. I am in a field that is ever changing. Technology and software are always changing. Since I teach my students how to use software, I have to be knowledgeable myself. Attending conferences and learning new skills helps to make my job exciting. I enjoy the ability to help students reach their 'ah-ha!' moments. I love being part of a team that makes me excited to walk through the hallways and wave good morning to everyone.

I would say I am directly involved in a people-affecting business. I teach adults in a career focused college. Our entire team supports our students in learning skills and practices that are relevant to industry. We give them the opportunity to step forward, leading with their best foot. My career is fulfilling for me because I get a front row seat to watch people accomplish goals, they thought were impossible. Being a part of that is fulfilling for me.

I volunteer as a Role Model Champion with WRDC (Women in Resource Development Corporation). This allows me to share my STEM background story and current career choice as inspiration for others considering similar paths. I burn things into wood, and stick metal into fabric for fun. (Check my Facebook page if you are curious). I read and learn new languages on Duolingo (yes, for fun). I run when the weather is kind and do yoga when it isn't. I am a dog mom to a Golden Retriever named Layla and we like to go on hikes. All these things help to keep me a happy human.

Find a mentor! Don't limit yourself to one career choice. Find mentors in all your interests (LinkedIn is great for this). Take your family or friends’ advice, but remember they aren't you (my mother still thinks I should be a lawyer, but I continue to argue my point). The world is a vast place with lots of career options. So, follow your interests/talents and do some research (job searching/mentor searching) to figure out how to find a career that brings you happiness.

What I do at work

I always had an interest in website design and technology. This interest has really helped me to succeed in this job. Though I am not yet specifically trained by Microsoft to teach these courses, I learned on the job when I came here. Learning on the job took dedication, organization, an ability to learn quickly and to be able to trouble shoot with technology. I completed all 12 weeks of my courses in less than 2 weeks. At the same time, I was teaching what I was learning to my adult students. I also created learning resources to help students with the areas that I felt were more difficult. Those learning resources evolved over time to incorporate requests from students, as well.

My interest in technology helped with the trouble shooting. My background in education enabled me to target areas for improvement and develop resources. I use a computer and software such as Teams, SAM (Skills Assessment Management), Brightspace (D2L), all Microsoft Suites and YouTube. I currently teach in a blended in-class and virtual approach. Each class is four hours long daily, and two weeks long in duration. Recently, I collaborated with our administrative staff to organize a spirit activity that helps to build morale. Being given the opportunity to create goodwill within our team is always a benefit.

My career path is

The path that got me where I am today was certainly not straightforward. I did learn many valuable things along the way. I began wanting to be a lawyer (everyone told me I was good at arguing). Then decided to do Petroleum Engineering Technology (the money was supposed to be good). After I finished that program, I realized I really didn’t want to do this type of work. I attended Memorial University and finished an Education Degree (this felt more aligned with who I was as a person). I then taught for a few years but could not find permanent work. I then retrained to teach adults. I now teach Microsoft at a college and am working towards my Master of Education. I have encountered many, many challenges along the way. I overcame them all because time moves forward and so will you. You are always stronger than you realize. Check this YouTube video for a summary of my career path.

I am motivated by

I am motivated by continuous development. I am in a field that is ever changing. Technology and software are always changing. Since I teach my students how to use software, I have to be knowledgeable myself. Attending conferences and learning new skills helps to make my job exciting. I enjoy the ability to help students reach their 'ah-ha!' moments. I love being part of a team that makes me excited to walk through the hallways and wave good morning to everyone.

How I affect peoples’ lives

I would say I am directly involved in a people-affecting business. I teach adults in a career focused college. Our entire team supports our students in learning skills and practices that are relevant to industry. We give them the opportunity to step forward, leading with their best foot. My career is fulfilling for me because I get a front row seat to watch people accomplish goals, they thought were impossible. Being a part of that is fulfilling for me.

Outside of work I

I volunteer as a Role Model Champion with WRDC (Women in Resource Development Corporation). This allows me to share my STEM background story and current career choice as inspiration for others considering similar paths. I burn things into wood, and stick metal into fabric for fun. (Check my Facebook page if you are curious). I read and learn new languages on Duolingo (yes, for fun). I run when the weather is kind and do yoga when it isn't. I am a dog mom to a Golden Retriever named Layla and we like to go on hikes. All these things help to keep me a happy human.

My advice to others

Find a mentor! Don't limit yourself to one career choice. Find mentors in all your interests (LinkedIn is great for this). Take your family or friends’ advice, but remember they aren't you (my mother still thinks I should be a lawyer, but I continue to argue my point). The world is a vast place with lots of career options. So, follow your interests/talents and do some research (job searching/mentor searching) to figure out how to find a career that brings you happiness.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Drama
  • Foreign languages
  • Geography
  • History
  • Literature and Language Arts
  • Math
  • Home Economics
  • Foods & Nutrition
  • Physical Eduction/Health
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Career Education

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Brought people together
  • Enjoyed doing things on my own
  • Always wanted to be outside
  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Played on a sports team
  • Was motivated by success
  • Wanted to be in charge
  • Engaged in volunteer activities
  • Liked reading
  • Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Was really creative
  • Felt great satisfaction in getting good grades
  • Wasn't sure what I wanted to do
  • Liked to take things apart to see how they worked
  • Liked to design or build things
  • Design websites
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