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Duncan Johannessen

Senior Lab Instructor

University of Victoria

Created On: August 3, 2017
Education Pathway: University
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Learn About My Career

Duncan Johannessen is a senior lab instructor at the University of Victoria.

I was born/grew up in: Mission, BC, Canada

I now live in: North Saanich, BC Canada

I completed my training/education at: Fraser Valley College, UBC, Dalhousie University

I spend a fair amount of time at a computer dealing with email from students and from TAs. Coordinating and running the labs is the majority of my job. I also work with rock and mineral samples and other lab materials each week and spend time teaching.

I took a long path to get here. I started by taking Geology at UBC. While doing this degree, I decided I wanted to teach geology it more than practice it. I went on to do a teaching degree from UBC . I taught some high school, but I didn’t get much chance to teach geology. I also found that I related better to older students. I went on to do a Masters Degree in Geology at Dalhousie University. My plan was to get a job working at the college level.

When I returned to BC, I started looking for work. I got a job doing science writing at the Institute of Ocean Sciences. Here I picked up some Oceanography. This came in handy as my current job includes some Oceanography knowledge as well as Geology. While working at IOS I kept looking for a job that would include teaching. When I heard about this position I applied right away. This is exactly the kind of job I had been looking for! I’m doing and teaching Earth Sciences.

Teaching is my big motivation. I enjoy revealing the world of Earth Science to students and seeing how many react positively to this fascinating topic. I have recently had the opportunity to teach our introductory Earth Science course and found I have really enjoyed teaching a wide range of Earth Science topics to a large class. I also do some outreach with local schools which has been a great experience also.

Most people have not done any Earth Sciences before taking these classes. It is great fun watching people discover that they really enjoy this topic and seeing them become excited about the material.

I have two children and they have taken up most of my spare time, I became a Cub and now Scout leader due to my son's interest in that. I do some running and biking but could do with getting in better shape. I used to fence (sword fighting as a sport) and hope to get back to that soon. I still read a lot of Science Fiction and Fantasy and listen to podcast short stories on my commute.

Get as much experience teaching or helping teachers as you can, especially at different age levels. This will help you figure out what age you most want to work with and as you work with various teachers you will see different approaches and methods. Pursue your passion, more job interviews were won by people with passion than by people with perfect grades!! Reach out to people doing what you want to do and ask their advice - most people are happy to give a few tips.

What I do at work

I spend a fair amount of time at a computer dealing with email from students and from TAs. Coordinating and running the labs is the majority of my job. I also work with rock and mineral samples and other lab materials each week and spend time teaching.

My career path is

I took a long path to get here. I started by taking Geology at UBC. While doing this degree, I decided I wanted to teach geology it more than practice it. I went on to do a teaching degree from UBC . I taught some high school, but I didn’t get much chance to teach geology. I also found that I related better to older students. I went on to do a Masters Degree in Geology at Dalhousie University. My plan was to get a job working at the college level.

When I returned to BC, I started looking for work. I got a job doing science writing at the Institute of Ocean Sciences. Here I picked up some Oceanography. This came in handy as my current job includes some Oceanography knowledge as well as Geology. While working at IOS I kept looking for a job that would include teaching. When I heard about this position I applied right away. This is exactly the kind of job I had been looking for! I’m doing and teaching Earth Sciences.

I am motivated by

Teaching is my big motivation. I enjoy revealing the world of Earth Science to students and seeing how many react positively to this fascinating topic. I have recently had the opportunity to teach our introductory Earth Science course and found I have really enjoyed teaching a wide range of Earth Science topics to a large class. I also do some outreach with local schools which has been a great experience also.

How I affect peoples’ lives

Most people have not done any Earth Sciences before taking these classes. It is great fun watching people discover that they really enjoy this topic and seeing them become excited about the material.

Outside of work I

I have two children and they have taken up most of my spare time, I became a Cub and now Scout leader due to my son's interest in that. I do some running and biking but could do with getting in better shape. I used to fence (sword fighting as a sport) and hope to get back to that soon. I still read a lot of Science Fiction and Fantasy and listen to podcast short stories on my commute.

My advice to others

Get as much experience teaching or helping teachers as you can, especially at different age levels. This will help you figure out what age you most want to work with and as you work with various teachers you will see different approaches and methods. Pursue your passion, more job interviews were won by people with passion than by people with perfect grades!! Reach out to people doing what you want to do and ask their advice - most people are happy to give a few tips.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Computer Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Science

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Brought people together
  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Liked reading
  • Always threw the best parties
  • Wasn't sure what I wanted to do
  • Other: Uber Nerd - Science Fiction, Fantasy and Dungeons and Dragons

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