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Elizabeth Moses (she/her)

Sheet Metal Worker

Created On: February 28, 2023
Education Pathway: Apprenticeship
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Learn About My Career

As a Sheet Metal Worker, I work in the HVAC industry fabricating air ducts for buildings.

I was born/grew up in: I was born during the civil war in Sudan. I grew up in Windsor, Ontario.

I now live in: I live in Vancouver, British Columbia.

I completed my training/education at: At Assumption High School, I competed in the FIRST Robotics Competition. I completed the general machinist apprenticeship program at St. Clair College in Windsor, ON. My skills are transferrable in sheet metal, I utilized my previous experience operating machines.

During the day we form, assemble, and insulate ducts. We use math to measure, read blueprints and to operate machines. Most of our machines are specialized to our line of work. There are manual, hydraulic and computerized machines for creating ducts. As an apprentice, assembly requires a depth of understanding how pieces come together and their functionality. A background in STEM is helpful because everything we do requires mathematics. You also need to understand the science of metals. This helps you identify the right metal for a particular job. It is also very useful when you need to weld or cut metals. We work in teams as apprentices and journeypersons.

I did not intend to become a tradesperson. I discovered the opportunity when I looked at post-secondary programs. I didn’t want the financial strain of taking on student loans. I worked in a few industries in my career from automotive, automation/robotics and HVAC. I had a lot of challenges as a woman in a male dominated field, but I have always challenged the odds. The challenges I faced aren't unique to women in this world. They have helped me become a better problem solver and to be successful in my career.

What motivates me is growth and learning constantly. The most important aspect of my career is working with others and advocating for change. I enjoy working with my hands and making things. I love that my job doesn't come home with me and I have evenings and weekends to myself.

Sheet Metal is right for me because I have a background in metal and can continue being a skilled tradesperson while learning new skills. The trades are financially rewarding. I completed my first apprenticeship with zero debt.

Construction is necessary for the future of Canada. Since every building needs a way to move air around, there will always be jobs for Sheet Metal Workers. The most fulfilling feeling is knowing your work is needed and will be used every day. Some of the projects we build are for hospitals, transit, and public buildings. Proper ventilation is required for clean and fresh air, and the health of communities.

I volunteer with organizations, boards, and charities. What I enjoy the most with friends is music festivals, karaoke, and dinners. Relaxation to me is listening to the music genres of dance/electronic, pop and hip hop. My job keeps me physically active so that I can relax and rest on my days off.

Explore the trades and research the job market. Pursue a trade program in high school because they are offered for free. They also help you create necessary work experience for the industry. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

What I do at work

During the day we form, assemble, and insulate ducts. We use math to measure, read blueprints and to operate machines. Most of our machines are specialized to our line of work. There are manual, hydraulic and computerized machines for creating ducts. As an apprentice, assembly requires a depth of understanding how pieces come together and their functionality. A background in STEM is helpful because everything we do requires mathematics. You also need to understand the science of metals. This helps you identify the right metal for a particular job. It is also very useful when you need to weld or cut metals. We work in teams as apprentices and journeypersons.

My career path is

I did not intend to become a tradesperson. I discovered the opportunity when I looked at post-secondary programs. I didn’t want the financial strain of taking on student loans. I worked in a few industries in my career from automotive, automation/robotics and HVAC. I had a lot of challenges as a woman in a male dominated field, but I have always challenged the odds. The challenges I faced aren't unique to women in this world. They have helped me become a better problem solver and to be successful in my career.

I am motivated by

What motivates me is growth and learning constantly. The most important aspect of my career is working with others and advocating for change. I enjoy working with my hands and making things. I love that my job doesn't come home with me and I have evenings and weekends to myself.

Sheet Metal is right for me because I have a background in metal and can continue being a skilled tradesperson while learning new skills. The trades are financially rewarding. I completed my first apprenticeship with zero debt.

How I affect peoples’ lives

Construction is necessary for the future of Canada. Since every building needs a way to move air around, there will always be jobs for Sheet Metal Workers. The most fulfilling feeling is knowing your work is needed and will be used every day. Some of the projects we build are for hospitals, transit, and public buildings. Proper ventilation is required for clean and fresh air, and the health of communities.

Outside of work I

I volunteer with organizations, boards, and charities. What I enjoy the most with friends is music festivals, karaoke, and dinners. Relaxation to me is listening to the music genres of dance/electronic, pop and hip hop. My job keeps me physically active so that I can relax and rest on my days off.

My advice to others

Explore the trades and research the job market. Pursue a trade program in high school because they are offered for free. They also help you create necessary work experience for the industry. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Art
  • Math
  • Robotics
  • Aviation

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Liked helping people
  • Enjoyed working with my hands
  • Was really creative
  • Wasn't sure what I wanted to do
  • Learned best “by doing”
  • Liked to take things apart to see how they worked
  • Liked to design or build things

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