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Jane Burchill

Jane Burchill engaged in tree planting activity with the Port of Saint John.

Jane Burchill (she/her)

Decarbonization & Sustainability Specialist

Port of Saint John

Created On: July 4, 2023
Education Pathway: University

Learn About My Career

I work to make the operations at the Port of Saint John cleaner, more sustainable, and lower our carbon footprint.

I was born/grew up in: Saint John, New Brunswick

I now live in: Saint John, New Brunswick 

I completed my training/education at: Bachelor of Science, major in Environmental Science at Saint Mary's University

The Port of Saint John has the goal to be carbon neutral by 2050. My main tasks include creating and then carrying out our plans to achieve this. This includes building the strategy with stakeholders and then working each year to implement the things that will reduce our footprint. This could be anything from scoping out electric vehicles to planning a tree planting day. Or it could be making the case for energy efficiency upgrades.

A lot of my work is collaborative. I work with other colleagues throughout the port as sustainability touches every area. Interpersonal skills and communication are two tools that I must use effectively to get everyone on board. My background in STEM gives me the knowledge to be able to make credible suggestions.

It was during a high school environmental science class where I thought that this could be something I could see myself enjoying as a career. At the time, I had no idea what type of career that would be. Throughout my degree majoring in Environmental Science, I also volunteered for the Environmental Society and similar initiatives. I had a couple jobs in related fields as well. For a brief time in my career, when the environmental jobs were at a low in my area, I started to learn skills in communications. This helped me get my job at the port of Saint John. I moved into a full-time sustainability role just 2 years later. This taught me that being flexible is important as you don't always get the dream job right away.

It motivates me when something that has been in the works behind the scenes for a while comes into action. Also learning about all the cool technology out there to help us on our path to carbon neutrality is very interesting to me. I enjoy getting to collaborate with others on this work. It is motivating to see that many of my colleagues also find this work interesting.

I believe my career is very relevant. Every company will have to play their part in reducing their impact on climate change if we are to meet our 2030 and 2050 goals. It is fulfilling to me that I am part of the solution.

In the summer I enjoy relaxing at the family cottage and spending time in the water. I love to go to concerts and spend time with friends. I volunteer with The Gaia Project as part of their Green Career program where we talk to students about our careers.

A job in sustainability has many layers. On top of the educational knowledge, you need interpersonal and communication skills. You also need negotiation and presenting skills if you want to be in a role that is building strategy.

What I do at work

The Port of Saint John has the goal to be carbon neutral by 2050. My main tasks include creating and then carrying out our plans to achieve this. This includes building the strategy with stakeholders and then working each year to implement the things that will reduce our footprint. This could be anything from scoping out electric vehicles to planning a tree planting day. Or it could be making the case for energy efficiency upgrades.

A lot of my work is collaborative. I work with other colleagues throughout the port as sustainability touches every area. Interpersonal skills and communication are two tools that I must use effectively to get everyone on board. My background in STEM gives me the knowledge to be able to make credible suggestions.

My career path is

It was during a high school environmental science class where I thought that this could be something I could see myself enjoying as a career. At the time, I had no idea what type of career that would be. Throughout my degree majoring in Environmental Science, I also volunteered for the Environmental Society and similar initiatives. I had a couple jobs in related fields as well. For a brief time in my career, when the environmental jobs were at a low in my area, I started to learn skills in communications. This helped me get my job at the port of Saint John. I moved into a full-time sustainability role just 2 years later. This taught me that being flexible is important as you don't always get the dream job right away.

I am motivated by

It motivates me when something that has been in the works behind the scenes for a while comes into action. Also learning about all the cool technology out there to help us on our path to carbon neutrality is very interesting to me. I enjoy getting to collaborate with others on this work. It is motivating to see that many of my colleagues also find this work interesting.

How I affect peoples’ lives

I believe my career is very relevant. Every company will have to play their part in reducing their impact on climate change if we are to meet our 2030 and 2050 goals. It is fulfilling to me that I am part of the solution.

Outside of work I

In the summer I enjoy relaxing at the family cottage and spending time in the water. I love to go to concerts and spend time with friends. I volunteer with The Gaia Project as part of their Green Career program where we talk to students about our careers.

My advice to others

A job in sustainability has many layers. On top of the educational knowledge, you need interpersonal and communication skills. You also need negotiation and presenting skills if you want to be in a role that is building strategy.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Geography
  • Physical Education/Health
  • Science

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Brought people together
  • Always wanted to be outside
  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Played on a sports team
  • Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Engaged in volunteer activities
  • Never wanted to be in the classroom
  • Didn't really care about grades
  • Wasn't sure what I wanted to do
  • Learned best by doing
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