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Kristen White

Career Development Coordinator

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Created On: April 13, 2023
Education Pathway: University

Learn About My Career

I provide career development and job search services to university students.

I now live in: Newfoundland

I completed my training/education at: Bachelor of Education (primary/elementary), Memorial University, Master of Education (Counselling Psychology), Memorial University.

I provide career development services to students with the Career Development Office at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I provide one-on-one appointments with students and host career development workshops. The events and programming that I create and host are focused on Science and HSS students but I provide one on one career development appointments for all students.

I provide assistance with resumes, job searching, interview skills and career planning. I host networking events to connect students with alumni and industry professionals. There, they learn more about industries and gain a better chance of finding employment in their field of interest. I also assist the Career Development Office with events such as the annual Career Fair and various Job Fairs.

All events were virtual during the pandemic. As a result, I learned how to use technology even more in my work. I use my computer to interact with students, book appointments, set up and promote events. I search for resources for students, which can include learning about companies that hire for their educational backgrounds and exploring careers they can do with their degree.

I reach out to employers and alumni in my role. So, I have to be strategic and very social. I promote career development events and do a lot of outreach. This includes class visits, reaching out to employers, attending events, or promoting events on social media.

I often use presentation skills in my work. I present at various workshops and events and communicate information to students daily during one on one career development appointments. Listening skills are very important in my role. I must understand the interests, skills and values students currently have, and what they need. I also use organizational and time management skills a lot as I plan and organize events for students and industry professionals. I communicate with attendees in a timely and professional manner.

I connect with colleagues in the Career Development Office at Memorial to plan events, or host workshops. We also send each other resources and information that would be useful to students. We work as a team to ensure we are providing consistent and useful information for students. We also participate in professional training together and help promote each other's events.

I never said to myself "I think I'd like to be a Career Advisor when I grow up." I didn't even know that employment counsellors or advisors existed. In high school, I didn't know much about careers, or how to learn more about them. The careers I knew about were the typical career paths you hear about. Teacher, engineer, doctor, nurse, etc. I had no idea about the huge number of careers within government, universities, or the community.

I started out with the plan of becoming a Primary/ Elementary teacher. I did enjoy many aspects of it, but I knew I wanted to work at something else. So, I thought about guidance counselling. I completed a masters in counselling psychology at Memorial. Then I completed an internship at the Career Development Office at Memorial. This confirmed that becoming an employment counsellor or career advisor was right for me.

I learned what I enjoyed by doing it. One of the challenges when I first started was my anxiety about presenting to adults instead of children. I found it quite easy to speak in front of young kids. But I had never spoken in front of university students. However, the more I did it, the easier it became. When you know the material you are presenting, and create the presentation yourself, it becomes easier. Now, I enjoy workshops and networking events.

I enjoy learning about the different career paths that alumni and employers have taken.

I also love that my job gives students a sense of hope as they learn how the job search process works. They come to realize that it takes work to find work. I’m proud to be part of the support that MUN provides for our students to get them started in their careers.

I enjoy it when students have an "aha" moment. They learn about many different careers they never considered before. They also learn that career paths are not often linear. While a degree is very important, it is one piece of the puzzle in finding employment when you graduate. Employers often value volunteering, part-time work, and other experiences. These are where you can learn transferable skills that apply to many jobs.

I enjoy seeing students grow professionally as they develop newfound confidence in themselves. It is very exciting when I receive feedback that a student landed their dream job, or any job for that matter. Every job and role will help you build skills and fill out a resumé.  

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also like getting outdoors as much as possible. I'm lucky that I’m able to do this on my lunch breaks. I can also go to the university recreation centre for a fitness class or a walk around the track. This is a huge benefit for university employees. Mental health is so important in the workplace. It is vital to take care of yourself while you work.

If you enjoy the helping field, psychology and sociology are a great route to take. But there are other educational and experience pathways. Volunteer and part-time work can also lead you to the helping field.

There are many ways to work as an employment counsellor or career advisor. You can also move to other careers in human resources with this background. For instance, you could work as a job developer, recruiter, career counsellor, academic advisor, counsellor, immigration officer, or labour relations specialist.

What I do at work

I provide career development services to students with the Career Development Office at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I provide one-on-one appointments with students and host career development workshops. The events and programming that I create and host are focused on Science and HSS students but I provide one on one career development appointments for all students.

I provide assistance with resumes, job searching, interview skills and career planning. I host networking events to connect students with alumni and industry professionals. There, they learn more about industries and gain a better chance of finding employment in their field of interest. I also assist the Career Development Office with events such as the annual Career Fair and various Job Fairs.

All events were virtual during the pandemic. As a result, I learned how to use technology even more in my work. I use my computer to interact with students, book appointments, set up and promote events. I search for resources for students, which can include learning about companies that hire for their educational backgrounds and exploring careers they can do with their degree.

I reach out to employers and alumni in my role. So, I have to be strategic and very social. I promote career development events and do a lot of outreach. This includes class visits, reaching out to employers, attending events, or promoting events on social media.

I often use presentation skills in my work. I present at various workshops and events and communicate information to students daily during one on one career development appointments. Listening skills are very important in my role. I must understand the interests, skills and values students currently have, and what they need. I also use organizational and time management skills a lot as I plan and organize events for students and industry professionals. I communicate with attendees in a timely and professional manner.

I connect with colleagues in the Career Development Office at Memorial to plan events, or host workshops. We also send each other resources and information that would be useful to students. We work as a team to ensure we are providing consistent and useful information for students. We also participate in professional training together and help promote each other's events.

My career path is

I never said to myself "I think I'd like to be a Career Advisor when I grow up." I didn't even know that employment counsellors or advisors existed. In high school, I didn't know much about careers, or how to learn more about them. The careers I knew about were the typical career paths you hear about. Teacher, engineer, doctor, nurse, etc. I had no idea about the huge number of careers within government, universities, or the community.

I started out with the plan of becoming a Primary/ Elementary teacher. I did enjoy many aspects of it, but I knew I wanted to work at something else. So, I thought about guidance counselling. I completed a masters in counselling psychology at Memorial. Then I completed an internship at the Career Development Office at Memorial. This confirmed that becoming an employment counsellor or career advisor was right for me.

I learned what I enjoyed by doing it. One of the challenges when I first started was my anxiety about presenting to adults instead of children. I found it quite easy to speak in front of young kids. But I had never spoken in front of university students. However, the more I did it, the easier it became. When you know the material you are presenting, and create the presentation yourself, it becomes easier. Now, I enjoy workshops and networking events.

I am motivated by

I enjoy learning about the different career paths that alumni and employers have taken.

I also love that my job gives students a sense of hope as they learn how the job search process works. They come to realize that it takes work to find work. I’m proud to be part of the support that MUN provides for our students to get them started in their careers.

How I affect peoples’ lives

I enjoy it when students have an "aha" moment. They learn about many different careers they never considered before. They also learn that career paths are not often linear. While a degree is very important, it is one piece of the puzzle in finding employment when you graduate. Employers often value volunteering, part-time work, and other experiences. These are where you can learn transferable skills that apply to many jobs.

I enjoy seeing students grow professionally as they develop newfound confidence in themselves. It is very exciting when I receive feedback that a student landed their dream job, or any job for that matter. Every job and role will help you build skills and fill out a resumé.  

Outside of work I

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also like getting outdoors as much as possible. I'm lucky that I’m able to do this on my lunch breaks. I can also go to the university recreation centre for a fitness class or a walk around the track. This is a huge benefit for university employees. Mental health is so important in the workplace. It is vital to take care of yourself while you work.

My advice to others

If you enjoy the helping field, psychology and sociology are a great route to take. But there are other educational and experience pathways. Volunteer and part-time work can also lead you to the helping field.

There are many ways to work as an employment counsellor or career advisor. You can also move to other careers in human resources with this background. For instance, you could work as a job developer, recruiter, career counsellor, academic advisor, counsellor, immigration officer, or labour relations specialist.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Physical Education/Health
  • Biology
  • English/Language Arts

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Wasn't sure what I wanted to do
  • Liked being given specific instructions
  • Felt great satisfaction in getting good grades
  • Enjoyed outdoor activities such as swimming and hiking
  • Enjoyed social activities with friends and family

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