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Hiker filling a water bottle

How can you design the least “expensive” water filter?

Hands-on Activities

Challenge yourself to design the best filter for the lowest cost!

Peat bog in northern Alberta

Peat Bogs and the Ring of Fire


Learn about peat bogs, the threats they face and how you can help.

Elaine Robichaud en randonnée avec vue sur le lac depuis le sommet d'une montagne

Elaine Robichaud

Career Profiles

Hydrology Engineer

Elaine Robichaud is a Hydrology Engineer for Hydro-Quebec.
Aerial view of a wetland

Introduction to Freshwater Wetlands


Learn about the geology, chemistry and ecology of freshwater wetlands.

Hollee Heal sur un site de travail

Hollee Heal

Career Profiles

Health, Safety, Environmental Coordinator

Hollee Heal is the Health, Safety, Environmental Coordinator for Northern Mat and Bridge LP.
Julie Koloff au travail à l'extérieur

Julie Koloff

Career Profiles

Wetland Specialist

Julie Koloff is a Wetland Specialist for Jacobs, located in Alberta.
Canaries were once used to signal dangers to miners. - Image © Vito Cangiulli,

How Can Birds Help Monitor the Health of Ecosystems?

STEM Explained

Scientists can observe birds to get useful information about the health of, and changes in, an ecosystem.

White Swan

Birds: Aquatic

Picture Collections

12 images of some birds such as seagulls, puffins, ducks and Canada Geese that live on or around freshwater or saltwater habitats