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Scientific Practices

Katharine Scotton |  Experte-conseil en environnement, PGL Environmental Consultants

Katharine Scotton

Career Profiles

Environmental Consultant

Katharine Scotton is an Environmental Consultant for PGL Environmental Consultants.
Chargé de laboratoire en chef, Université de Victoria

Duncan Johannessen

Career Profiles

Senior Lab Instructor

Duncan Johannessen is a senior lab instructor at the University of Victoria.
Julie Belanger | Directrice de la recherche , RAND Europe

Julie Belanger

Career Profiles

Research Leader

Julie Belanger is the Research Leader for RAND Europe.
Lauren Ostrowski | Doctorante à l’Université de Toronto

Lauren Ostrowski

Career Profiles

Ph.D. Candidate

Lauren Ostrowski is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Toronto.
Linda Jewell | Chercheuse scientifique en phytopathologie

Linda Jewell

Career Profiles

Research Scientist in Plant Pathology

Linda Jewell is a Research Scientist in Plant Pathology at St. John’s Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Jason Carignan | Technicien minier

Jason Carignan

Career Profiles

Mine Technician

Jason Carignan is a mine technician at Lac Des Iles Mines.
Kaleigh Gray | Associée de recherche/technicienne en sécurité chez Monsanto Canada

Kaleigh Gray

Career Profiles

Research Associate/Safety Technician

Kaleigh Gray is a Research Associate/Safety Technician for Monsanto Canada.
Janet Smylie | Médecin de famille et chercheuse

Janet Smylie

Career Profiles

Family Doctor and Research Scientist

Janet Smylie is a family doctor and research scientist at St. Michael's Hospital.
David Charest | Directeur du développement sectoriel

David Charest

Career Profiles

Director, Sector Development

David Charest is the director of sector development at Genome in British Columbia.
Julia Matheson Technicienne en recherche, Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS)

Julia Matheson

Career Profiles

Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) Research Technician

Julia Matheson is the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) Research Technician for the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS).
Sylvie Cloutier | Chercheuse scientifique – généticienne moléculaire

Sylvie Cloutier

Research Scientist

Sylvie Cloutier is a Research Scientist with a focus in Molecular geneticist for Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada.