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Workplace Training

Genny Marcoux debout devant un fond de fleurs artificielles roses et blanches de taille humaine.

Genny Marcoux

Career Profiles

Infrastructure and Security Manager

I manage a team of experts that create a secure environment for our course developers to build virtual computers that our customers used to learn about the products we sell and to learn more about cybersecurity and how to stay secure online.
Brianna Lummerding à genoux près d’un cerceau en plastique collectant des échantillons dans un champ herbeux.

Brianna Lummerding

Career Profiles

Agronomic Innovation Manager

I look after all things related to soil management for a group of retailers.
Christelle Fournier

Christelle Fournier

Career Profiles

Permaculture guide, Founder of the company Fertiles

I offer consulting services to organizations, municipalities, indigenous communities, to support them in their eco-citizen projects related to food security.
Nancy Rogers debout sur un affleurement rocheux où elle prospecte des minéraux. Encadré : Roche de labradorite coupée pour exposer les motifs de couleur.

Nancy Rogers

Career Profiles

Genuine Prospector and Craftsperson

I travel to remote areas looking for signs of minerals and crystals.
portrait de Ksenia Nadkina

Ksenia Nadkina (she/her)

Career Profiles

Software Developer

I create code for different types of software.
Kevin Stone travaille sur une sculpture en métal

Kevin Stone (he/him)

Career Profiles

Metal Sculpture Artist

I design and build metal sculptures.
Dolcy Meness

Dolcy Meness

Career Profiles

Nagadjitodjig Aki (Guardian)

I work as a Guardian for the environment and cultural teachings of my community, Kitigan Zibi.
portrait de Celina Wolki

Celina Wolki

Career Profiles

Researcher, Community Leader, and Regional Coordinator

I research food prices in northern communities and am involved in local projects to make sure every member of my community has access to food.
Jo-Anne McArthur

Jo-Anne McArthur (she/her)

Career Profiles

Photojournalist, Founder

I operate a non-profit media organization that shows the lives of animals in pictures.
portrait de Steve Lawrence

Steve Lawrence

Career Profiles

Sales Manager

As sales manager for Eos Positioning in Canada, I work with the Sales Reps, Marketing and Production.
Portrait de Christy Hipel

Christy Hipel

Career Profiles

Account Solutions (Sales)

I contact potential clients to help them understand how we can help them address their environmental problems.
Collette Garland Headshot

Collette Garland (she/her)

Career Profiles

Adult Education Instructor (Microsoft Office Suite)

I teach the Microsoft Suite Software to adult students.
Nancy Duquet-Harvey

Nancy Duquet-Harvey

Career Profiles

Environmental Superintendent

I make sure that we don't harm the environment with our mining activities.
Justin Kole tenant un caniche dans ses bras.

Justin M. R. Kole

Career Profiles

Operations Advisor

I track and organize upcoming customer deliveries and provide customer education on the technology in Tesla automobiles.
Viviana Ramirez-Luna dehors en hiver

Viviana Ramirez-Luna (she/her)

Environmental Entrepreneur

I founded (and run) a consulting company to help businesses, communities, and organizations reduce the waste they produce