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Pluto lit by a distant Sun

Meet Our Dwarf Planets


Learn about the dwarf planets in our Solar System.

Girl working at blackboard

Prime Factors


Learn about prime factorization and least common multiples.

Child holding a clock

Modular Arithmetic


Learn about a special type of math called clock math.

Hands holding a hot mug

Introduction to Heat Transfer


Learn about the different ways that heat is transferred.

Researcher with automation equipment

Helping Patients through Drug Discovery

STEM Explained

Learn how researchers from Amgen are developing new drugs for cancer.

Medical image of the brain using Technetium-99m

Innovations in Nuclear Technologies

STEM Explained

Learn about why Canada is a world leader in nuclear technology.

Cloud model of an atom

Introduction to the Atom


Learn about the parts of an atom and its history.

Testing of the Boeing Starliner spacesuit

Testing Spacesuit Material

STEM Explained

Learn about a new material for spacesuits and the engineer who designed it.

Our climate is changing

Introduction to Climate Change


Learn more about the causes and impacts of global climate change.

White water rafting on the Fraser River in British Columbia

Introduction to Rivers & Streams


Learn about the physical geography, chemistry and ecology of rivers and streams.

Water treatment plant near Kitchener, Ontario

Water Treatment


Learn about how water is treated at municipal water treatment plants.

Meteor seen through an opening in the trees

Meteoroids, Meteors and Meteorites


Learn about where and when to find meteoroids, meteors and meteorites.

Boat on a lake at sunset

Humans and Freshwater Ecosystems


Learn about how people impact the ecosystems of lakes and rivers.

Colourful liquids and periodic table

Describing and Classifying Matter


Learn about the physical and chemical properties of matter.

Cube overflowing with spheres representing particles

Introduction to the Particle Theory of Matter


Learn about how the Particle Theory helps us understand matter.