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Big Idea: Our career paths reflect the personal, community, and educational choices we make.

Jasraj Chahal | Ingénieure en contrôle des systèmes

Jasraj Chahal

Career Profiles

Control System Engineer

Jasraj Chahal is a mechanical engineer working in the aerospace industry.
Trevor Roote | Préposé à l'entretien des machines

Trevor Roote

Career Profiles

Mechanical Maintainer

Trevor Roote is a Mechanical Maintainer for Bruce Power.
Learning from the Experiences of Others

Learning from the Experience of Others


Students will recognize the benefit of seeking advice from those experienced in specific career areas that interest them.

What are your Employability Skills?

What are Your Employability Skills?


Students will identify employability skills in which they are strong and those that need work, create an Employability Skills Profile and develop plans to improve their employability skills.

Will Booth | General Manager, Regional Hose & Hydraulics

Will Booth

Career Profiles

General Manager

Will Booth is the General Manager for Regional Hose & Hydraulics.
Shane Monaghan | Responsable de ligne de produits

Shane Monaghan

Career Profiles

Product Line Manager

Shane Monaghan is a Product Line Manager for Gates Corporation.

Trevor Roote (Video)

Career Profiles

Mechanical Maintainer

Trevor Roote is a Mechanical Maintainer, located in Ontario.
Murray Clayton | Forensic Anthropologist

Murray Clayton

Career Profiles

Forensic Anthropologist & Outreach Coordinator

Murray Clayton is a Forensic Anthropologist & Outreach Coordinator for the University of Toronto Mississauga.
Andrew Newman | Mechanical Tree Harvester

Andrew Newman (Video)

Career Profiles

Mechanical Tree Harvester

Andrew Newman is a mechanical tree harvester in Ontario.
Kona Williams | Pathologiste judiciaire

Kona Williams

Career Profiles

Forensic Pathologist

Kona Williams is a Forensic Pathologist for Ontario Forensic Pathology Service.
Curtis Jackson | Plombier

Curtis Jackson

Career Profiles


Curtis Jackson is a Plumber at G.J. Cahill in Newfoundland.
Julia Matheson Technicienne en recherche, Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS)

Julia Matheson

Career Profiles

Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) Research Technician

Julia Matheson is the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) Research Technician for the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS).