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Strand E: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities

Portrait de Andrea Goldson-Barnaby

Andrea Goldson-Barnaby

Career Profiles

Head of the Food division

I teach and do research on the topics of Food Chemistry and Food Processing.
Portrait de Corie Houldsworth

Corie Houldsworth

Career Profiles


I perform inspections of worksites where radiation is used, stored or transported.
Michelle Henry

Michelle Henry

Non-Destructive Testing Technician

I inspect metal parts on nuclear reactors to make sure they are in good working order.
Beijing National Olympic Stadium

Go for the Gold with STEM

STEM Explained

Learn about how STEM powers the Winter Olympics.

Welding trainee

What is Welding?


Learn about the science involved in combining two metals by welding.

Daniela Torelli dans un atelier de soudure.

Daniela Torelli

Welding Instructor

I teach the next generation of welders.
Gwen Healey Akearok

Indigenous Career Stories


Students explore a variety of STEM-related careers from the perspective of Indigenous professionals.

Illustration of the Earth

Summer Symposium Series: Climate Career Resources


A career focused on climate change and sustainability would let you help people by working to help solve the biggest problems of our time.

Student going over materials and plans

Summer Symposium Series: Engineering Career Resources


A career in engineering would let you help people through designing and implementing the things they use in their daily lives.

Anthony Mantione

Anthony Mantione

Senior Economist

I work to improve the availability and accessibility of information to help Canadians make informed decisions about their careers.
Engineer inspecting a solar panel

Careers In Sustainability


Students explore non-traditional careers related to sustainability and sustainable development.

Celebrity talk show

Career Talk Show


Students will research a career (or career sector) and role-play being a person in that career being interviewed by a talk show host.

Electrical engineers at work

Engineering a Future Career


Students explore the different branches of engineering and discover the similarities and differences between them.

Image of delivery person and clock to represent being friendly, reliable and on time

Developing Successful Work Habits


Students will learn about work habits that can help them succeed in any career.

Girl at lemonade stand

Create Your Own Small Business


Students will learn the fundamental skills and attitudes needed to set up and run a small business.