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Big Idea: Evolution occurs at the population level.

Li Tan, vêtu d'une blouse de laboratoire de couleur blanche, souriant dans son laboratoire.

Li Tan (he/him)

Career Profiles

Molecular Lead

I coordinate the day-to-day operations in the DNA Extraction Lab.
Five people, each wearing a white lab coat, standing around a lab bench that has scientific equipment on it.

Li Tan (Video)

Career Profiles

Molecular Lead

I coordinate the day-to-day operations in the DNA Extraction Lab.
Zoe Ehlert closely examining a plan that has yellow flowers

Zoë Ehlert (Video)

Career Profiles

Manager, Marker Assisted Breeding

I lead a team that develops canola crops by breeding plants with traits we are looking for.
Zoë Ehlert, vêtue d'une blouse de laboratoire blanche, pose une boîte en carton sur une étagère.

Zoë Ehlert

Career Profiles

Manager, Marker Assisted Breeding

I lead a team that develops canola crops by breeding plants with traits we are looking for.
Derek So lit un livre

Derek So

Career Profiles

Ph.D. Candidate (Human Genetics)

I research and study the ethics of genetically modifying humans.
Winston Campeau headshot

Winston Campeau

Career Profiles

Researcher - Evolutionary Processes

I use computer simulations and math to research how animals' behavior changes when their environment changes.
Tomatoes of different shapes, sizes and colours

Tomato Taxonomy


A look at the taxonomic classification of the tomato plant and the origin, history and development of tomatoes.

Embryonic stem cells

Resources on Stem Cells

STEM Explained

Resource page including articles and career profiles related to stem cells.

Research in a genomics lab

Genomics Resources

STEM Explained

Resource page including articles and career profiles related to genomics.

Yellow fever virus

Where Did Viruses Come From?

STEM Explained

Viruses are not living things - so where did they come from? Scientists have proposed three different hypotheses.

Kara Layton sous l'eau en habit de plongée sous-marine

Kara Layton

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kara Layton is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Measuring radiation in Chernobyl

Radiation Effects on the Body


This backgrounder explains the potential effects of radiation on the human body.

fossil plants and animals

Why Scientists Believe in Evolution

STEM Explained

Scientists have accumulated so much evidence in the theory of evolution that it is one of the most widely-accepted theories in science.

Arctic pack ice

Why Don't Fish Freeze in Cold Arctic Waters?

STEM Explained

Ever wonder how fish survive in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic? It’s partly because of a brilliant evolutionary adaptation.

Cartoon mammoth

Should Scientists Clone Extinct Species?

STEM Explained

Cloning makes it possible to bring extinct species back to life. But is that a good idea?