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Paper Chain Challenge

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Students are challenged to build the longest paper chain possible!

What You Need

Materials per student

  • Paper (1 sheet)
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Pencil (optional)
  • Ruler (optional)


Safety Notes

Ensure you are familiar with Let's Talk Science's precautions with respect to safe virtual outreach delivery to youth.

What To Do

To make the paper chain, each student will:

  • Cut out rectangular strips from a single piece of paper.
  • Gently fold a strip of paper in on itself so that it forms a loop and tape it closed. 
  • Take a second paper strip, put it through the first paper loop, gently fold it together and tape it closed to form a 2-loop chain. 
  • Repeat step 3 until they have used their entire piece of paper. How long is their chain? Ask students "How can you make the chain longer using only one sheet of paper?"

We use chain links in many things in real life - bicycle chains and locks, chain-linked fences and bracelets are a few. To make these the right length and width requires problem solving and math skills like you used to make the longest paper chain possible with one piece of paper.

  • Try making another paper chain out of a single piece of paper. Change the size of the loops and the number of loops. Does this make the paper chain longer? 

What's Happening?

We use chain links in many things in real life - bicycle chains and locks, chain-linked fences and bracelets are a few. To make these the right length and width requires problem solving and math skills like you used to make the longest paper chain possible with one piece of paper.

Investigate Further

  • Try making another paper chain out of a single piece of paper. Change the size of the loops and the number of loops. Does this make the paper chain longer?