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Luc-Baudouin St-Cyr

Executive Director

Meals on Wheels

Learn About My Career

Luc-Baudouin St-Cyr is an Executive Director at Meals on Wheels.

I was born/grew up in: Born in Ottawa, Ontario and raised in Toronto, Ontario

I now live in: Embrun, Ontario

I completed my training/education at: BA in Political Science from Glendon College, York University, and MA in Political Science from McMaster University.

On a day-to-day basis, I supervise a hot meal delivery program for elderly or frail customers. Our organization, Meals on Wheels (Ottawa), delivers more than 300 hot and frozen meals 6 days a week.

A team of dedicated volunteers makes our deliveries. As a result, teamwork is essential to our success. These volunteers check in on our customers and help ensure their health. I ensure the health of my team on a daily basis. Bilingualism is a great asset in Ottawa.

When I was in school, I had no career plan in mind. Education and personal development were my priorities during my youth. I was always confident that I was going to find a job to the extent of my abilities and ambitions in one way or another. I enjoy serving the needs of my community. Over the years, I have worked at a number of organizations that provided care to vulnerable or at-risk members of our society. 

I am proud to provide an important service to the community that makes a difference in people's lives. I like being able to tell myself that I am helping to create a better world.

The customers of our program benefit directly by having good, nutritious meals that they need.  I put a lot of energy into my work. I feel that my work is relevant despite the fact that I work in a highly devalued environment. 

I enjoy walking, photography, and especially reading.

The world of work is vast and everyone has their place. The important thing in a career is to love what you do and do it with passion. Compensation is secondary. You have to be happy!

What I do at work

On a day-to-day basis, I supervise a hot meal delivery program for elderly or frail customers. Our organization, Meals on Wheels (Ottawa), delivers more than 300 hot and frozen meals 6 days a week.

A team of dedicated volunteers makes our deliveries. As a result, teamwork is essential to our success. These volunteers check in on our customers and help ensure their health. I ensure the health of my team on a daily basis. Bilingualism is a great asset in Ottawa.

My career path is

When I was in school, I had no career plan in mind. Education and personal development were my priorities during my youth. I was always confident that I was going to find a job to the extent of my abilities and ambitions in one way or another. I enjoy serving the needs of my community. Over the years, I have worked at a number of organizations that provided care to vulnerable or at-risk members of our society. 

I am motivated by

I am proud to provide an important service to the community that makes a difference in people's lives. I like being able to tell myself that I am helping to create a better world.

How I affect peoples’ lives

The customers of our program benefit directly by having good, nutritious meals that they need.  I put a lot of energy into my work. I feel that my work is relevant despite the fact that I work in a highly devalued environment. 

Outside of work I

I enjoy walking, photography, and especially reading.

My advice to others

The world of work is vast and everyone has their place. The important thing in a career is to love what you do and do it with passion. Compensation is secondary. You have to be happy!

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Geography
  • History
  • Literature and Language Arts
  • Foods & Nutrition
  • Physical Education / Health

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Brought People Together
  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Played on a sports team
  • Wanted to be in charge
  • Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Liked reading
  • Always threw the best parties
  • Didn't really care about grades

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