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Megan Coles

Pediatric Nurse

Janeway Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre

Created On: December 30, 2022
Education Pathway: University
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Learn About My Career

I care for the inpatients admitted to the medical-surgical units at my local children's hospital.

I was born/grew up in: Conception Bay South, NL

I now live in: Conception Bay South, NL

I completed my training/education at: Memorial University of Newfoundland - Bachelor of Science in Nursing

I am a Paediatric and Neonatal Registered Nurse. I work on the float team between the Medicine and Surgical Units as well as the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I begin my day by completing safety checks on my patients, followed by rounds. Rounds are a way to share important information about the patient’s medical condition with other members of the healthcare team. During rounds we review the patient’s progress and make plans accordingly.  I then complete morning assessments, administer morning medications, and assist with morning care.

Throughout the day, I provide treatments and medications as directed by the physicians. I complete documentation and collaborate with various healthcare professionals. I also advocate for my patients and provide family centred care. At work, I use critical thinking skills when providing care to my patients. I also often use math when calculating medication dosages, IV fluid rates, and more.

In high school, I completed a program called MedQuest. This is a local program offered by Memorial University’s Faculty of Medicine. During a week-long period, high school students learn about the various health care careers available. During that week, I knew that I wanted to go into nursing. I applied and was accepted directly from high school into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing at MUN. I completed my degree during the pandemic, which was challenging to stay the least. However, I am grateful to now be working as a new registered nurse at my dream job.

I enjoy that each shift as a peadiatric nurse is different. My patient assignment varies from one shift to the next. This means I am exposed to many diagnoses, treatments and care plans. This excites me because I am always challenged at work and able to use many of my nursing and critical thinking skills each day.

My career is very rewarding and fulfilling. Each day, I make a difference in the lives of children and their families as I assist them in recovering from an illness or injury. It is satisfying to know that my actions have a direct, positive impact on a child's quality of life.

Outside of work, I do a lot of volunteering. I volunteer with St. John Ambulance as an Advanced Medical First Responder. I am also a student officer with the Canadian Association of Paediatric Nurses. I am also a local campaign advisor with Shinerama, a national fundraising program to raise money for Cystic Fibrosus research. In my free time, I like to do Pilates, bake and read.

I would encourage them to try to gain exposure to the healthcare field and believe in themselves!

What I do at work

I am a Paediatric and Neonatal Registered Nurse. I work on the float team between the Medicine and Surgical Units as well as the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I begin my day by completing safety checks on my patients, followed by rounds. Rounds are a way to share important information about the patient’s medical condition with other members of the healthcare team. During rounds we review the patient’s progress and make plans accordingly.  I then complete morning assessments, administer morning medications, and assist with morning care.

Throughout the day, I provide treatments and medications as directed by the physicians. I complete documentation and collaborate with various healthcare professionals. I also advocate for my patients and provide family centred care. At work, I use critical thinking skills when providing care to my patients. I also often use math when calculating medication dosages, IV fluid rates, and more.

My career path is

In high school, I completed a program called MedQuest. This is a local program offered by Memorial University’s Faculty of Medicine. During a week-long period, high school students learn about the various health care careers available. During that week, I knew that I wanted to go into nursing. I applied and was accepted directly from high school into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing at MUN. I completed my degree during the pandemic, which was challenging to stay the least. However, I am grateful to now be working as a new registered nurse at my dream job.

I am motivated by

I enjoy that each shift as a peadiatric nurse is different. My patient assignment varies from one shift to the next. This means I am exposed to many diagnoses, treatments and care plans. This excites me because I am always challenged at work and able to use many of my nursing and critical thinking skills each day.

How I affect peoples’ lives

My career is very rewarding and fulfilling. Each day, I make a difference in the lives of children and their families as I assist them in recovering from an illness or injury. It is satisfying to know that my actions have a direct, positive impact on a child's quality of life.

Outside of work I

Outside of work, I do a lot of volunteering. I volunteer with St. John Ambulance as an Advanced Medical First Responder. I am also a student officer with the Canadian Association of Paediatric Nurses. I am also a local campaign advisor with Shinerama, a national fundraising program to raise money for Cystic Fibrosus research. In my free time, I like to do Pilates, bake and read.

My advice to others

I would encourage them to try to gain exposure to the healthcare field and believe in themselves!

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Science

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Liked helping people
  • Was motivated by success
  • Engaged in volunteer activities
  • Liked reading
  • Felt great satisfaction in getting good grades
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