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Shakib Rahman

Knee and Hip Clinic Research Assistant

Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute

Created On: January 21, 2015
Education Pathway: University
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Learn About My Career

Shakib Rahman is a Research Assistant at the Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute.

I was born/grew up in: Dhaka, Bangladesh but came to Calgary, Alberta when I was 6 months old.

I now live in: Edmonton, Alberta

I completed my training/education at: Laurentian University

I introduce patient to clinical research and obtain their consent to be involved in our research. Then I interview them. I collect and manage their data. And then I report/analyze the data from these patient interviews.

On a day to day basis I get to meet all sorts of interesting people who are patients in the Knee and Hip clinic. I talk to them about research and the national study we are running and how it impacts all Canadians. I talk about how it changes healthcare, how they can help benefit others, and why research is important. I also walk them through the importance of informed consent and how science and research will better patient health outcomes and improve the health care system. I also analyze the data I collected while interviewing them.

My education follows a very traditional path for researchers. After high school, I attended university university, and then completed a post graduate degree. In the summer I did research internship and had casual jobs at the hospital. It was this work experience that gave me a passion for helping other people and wanting to be involved in clinical research. Of course, having two parents in research might have also played a role in that!

We are creating a tool to help health care workers improve their decision making with respect to vulnerable surgical candidates. This would directly impact all Canadians that are undergoing a joint replacement in the next 5-25 years. That's a huge impact across the country both in terms of the number of people and reducing the financial burden on the health care system.

On a day to day basis I get to meet all sorts of interesting people. They are all patients in the Knee and Hip clinic. I talk to them about research and the national study we are running. I talk about how in impacts all Canadians, how it changes healthcare, how they can help benefit others and why research is important. I also walk them through the importance of informed consent. I explain how science and research will improve patient health outcomes and improve the health care system. I also collect lots and lots of data while interviewing these participants!

Where to begin? I play lots of soccer and write science articles. I also volunteer for Let's Talk Science, and am a site coordinator and volunteer in a hospital. I'm also a board member at my mosque, run a youth group, play hockey and love to travel!

Keep working towards a goal that you have set, big or small. It's the small milestones that start to add up. Soon you're well on your way to a career that is both fulfilling and engaging. Don't sweat the big stuff, that will work itself out. Take care of the little things and make sure to spend time on yourself everyday! Good luck!!

What I do at work

I introduce patient to clinical research and obtain their consent to be involved in our research. Then I interview them. I collect and manage their data. And then I report/analyze the data from these patient interviews.

On a day to day basis I get to meet all sorts of interesting people who are patients in the Knee and Hip clinic. I talk to them about research and the national study we are running and how it impacts all Canadians. I talk about how it changes healthcare, how they can help benefit others, and why research is important. I also walk them through the importance of informed consent and how science and research will better patient health outcomes and improve the health care system. I also analyze the data I collected while interviewing them.

My career path is

My education follows a very traditional path for researchers. After high school, I attended university university, and then completed a post graduate degree. In the summer I did research internship and had casual jobs at the hospital. It was this work experience that gave me a passion for helping other people and wanting to be involved in clinical research. Of course, having two parents in research might have also played a role in that!

I am motivated by

We are creating a tool to help health care workers improve their decision making with respect to vulnerable surgical candidates. This would directly impact all Canadians that are undergoing a joint replacement in the next 5-25 years. That's a huge impact across the country both in terms of the number of people and reducing the financial burden on the health care system.

How I affect peoples’ lives

On a day to day basis I get to meet all sorts of interesting people. They are all patients in the Knee and Hip clinic. I talk to them about research and the national study we are running. I talk about how in impacts all Canadians, how it changes healthcare, how they can help benefit others and why research is important. I also walk them through the importance of informed consent. I explain how science and research will improve patient health outcomes and improve the health care system. I also collect lots and lots of data while interviewing these participants!

Outside of work I

Where to begin? I play lots of soccer and write science articles. I also volunteer for Let's Talk Science, and am a site coordinator and volunteer in a hospital. I'm also a board member at my mosque, run a youth group, play hockey and love to travel!

My advice to others

Keep working towards a goal that you have set, big or small. It's the small milestones that start to add up. Soon you're well on your way to a career that is both fulfilling and engaging. Don't sweat the big stuff, that will work itself out. Take care of the little things and make sure to spend time on yourself everyday! Good luck!!

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Business & Economics
  • Computer Science
  • Foreign Languages
  • History
  • Math
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Other: AutoCAD/Drafting

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Brought people together
  • Enjoyed doing things on my own
  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Played on a sports team
  • Enjoyed working with my hands
  • Was motivated by success
  • Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Engaged in volunteer activities
  • Liked reading
  • Played video games
  • Was really creative
  • Never wanted to be in the classroom
  • Learned best by doing
  • Liked to take things apart to see how they worked
  • Liked to design or build things

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