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That’s a Real Job Contest

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Curriculum Alignment
AB 8 Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) (revised 2019) CTF is exploring interests, passions and skills while making personal connections to career possibilities.
AB 8 Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) (revised 2019) CTF is working independently and with others while exploring careers and technology.
AB 9 Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) (revised 2019) CTF is exploring interests, passions and skills while making personal connections to career possibilities.
AB 9 Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) (revised 2019) CTF is working independently and with others while exploring careers and technology.
BC 8 Career Education 8 (2016) Big Idea: Our career paths reflect the personal, community, and educational choices we make.
BC 9 Career Education 9 (2016) Big Idea: Our career paths reflect the personal, community, and educational choices we make.
BC 11 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Career-life development includes ongoing cycles of exploring, planning, reflecting, adapting, and deciding.
BC 12 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Career-life development includes ongoing cycles of exploring, planning, reflecting, adapting, and deciding.
BC 12 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Career-life decisions influence and are influenced by internal and external factors, including local and global trends.
BC 12 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Engaging in networks and reciprocal relationships can guide and broaden career-life awareness and options.
BC 12 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Lifelong learning and active citizenship foster career-life opportunities for people and communities.
BC 8 Career Education 8 (2016) Big Idea: Reflecting on our preferences and skills helps us identify the steps we need to take to achieve our career goals.
BC 8 Career Education 8 (2016) Big Idea: The value of work in our lives, communities, and society can be viewed from diverse perspectives.
BC 8 Career Education 8 (2016) Big Idea: Achieving our learning goals requires effort and perseverance.
BC 11 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Career-life decisions influence and are influenced by internal and external factors, including local and global trends.
BC 11 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Engaging in networks and reciprocal relationships can guide and broaden career-life awareness and options.
BC 11 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Lifelong learning and active citizenship foster career-life opportunities for people and communities.
BC 9 Career Education 9 (2016) Big Idea: Reflecting on our preferences and skills helps us identify the steps we need to take to achieve our career goals.
BC 9 Career Education 9 (2016) Big Idea: The value of work in our lives, communities, and society can be viewed from diverse perspectives.
BC 9 Career Education 9 (2016) Big Idea: Achieving our learning goals requires effort and perseverance.
MB 12 Grade 12 Career Development: Life/Work Transitioning (2017) Unit 2: Career Exploration
MB 12 Grade 12 Career Development: Life/Work Transitioning (2017) Unit 4: Job Seeking and Job Maintenance
MB 9 Grade 9 Career Development: Life/Work Exploration (2017) Unit 2: Career Exploration
MB 9 Grade 9 Career Development: Life/Work Exploration (2017) Unit 5: Career and Community Experiences
MB 10 Grade 10 Career Development: Life/Work Planning (2017) Unit 2: Career Exploration
MB 10 Grade 10 Career Development: Life/Work Planning (2017) Unit 4: Job Seeking and Job Maintenance
MB 10 Grade 10 Career Development: Life/Work Planning (2017) Unit 5: Career and Community Experiences
MB 11 Grade 11 Career Development: Life/Work Building (2017) Unit 2: Career Exploration
MB 11 Grade 11 Career Development: Life/Work Building (2017) Unit 4: Job Seeking and Job Maintenance
MB 11 Grade 11 Career Development: Life/Work Building (2017) Unit 5: Career and Community Experiences
MB 12 Grade 12 Career Development: Life/Work Transitioning (2017) Unit 5: Career and Community Experiences
ON 11 Communications Technology, Grade 11 University/College Preparation (TGJ3M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 12 Communications Technology, Grade 12 (TGJ4M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 11 Computer Engineering Technology, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (TEJ3M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 12 Computer Engineering Technology, Grade 12, University/College Preparation (TEJ4M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 11 Transportation Technology, Grade 11, College Preparation (TTJ3C) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 12 Transportation Technology, Grade 12, College Preparation (TTJ4C) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 11 Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (TMJ3M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 12 Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Grade 12, University/College Preparation (TMJ4M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 11 Hospitality and Tourism, Grade 11, College Preparation (TFJ3C)(2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 12 Hospitality and Tourism, Grade 12, College Preparation (TFJ4C) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 11 Health Care, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (TPJ3M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 12 Health Care, Grade 12, University/College Preparation (TPJ4M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 11 Hairstyling and Aesthetics, Grade 11, Workplace Preparation (TXJ3E) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 12 Hairstyling and Aesthetics, Grade 12, Workplace Preparation (TXJ4E) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 11 Green Industries, Grade 11, University/College Preparation (THJ3M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 12 Green Industries, Grade 12, University/College Preparation (THJ4M) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 9 Exploring Technologies, Grade 9, Open (TIJ1O) (2009) Strand D: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 11 Construction Engineering Technology, Grade 11, College Preparation (TCJ3C) (2009) Strand E: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
ON 12 Construction Engineering Technology, Grade 12, College Preparation (TCJ4C) (2009) Strand E: Professional Practices and Career Opportunities
PE 10 Career Exploration and Opportunities CEO401A (2019) Financial Literacy
YT 8 Career Education 8 (2016) Big Idea: Our career paths reflect the personal, community, and educational choices we make.
YT 8 Career Education 8 (2016) Big Idea: Reflecting on our preferences and skills helps us identify the steps we need to take to achieve our career goals.
YT 8 Career Education 8 (2016) Big Idea: The value of work in our lives, communities, and society can be viewed from diverse perspectives.
YT 8 Career Education 8 (2016) Big Idea: Achieving our learning goals requires effort and perseverance.
YT 9 Career Education 9 (2016) Big Idea: Reflecting on our preferences and skills helps us identify the steps we need to take to achieve our career goals.
YT 9 Career Education 9 (2016) Big Idea: The value of work in our lives, communities, and society can be viewed from diverse perspectives.
YT 9 Career Education 9 (2016) Big Idea: Our career paths reflect the personal, community, and educational choices we make.
YT 9 Career Education 9 (2016) Big Idea: Achieving our learning goals requires effort and perseverance.
YT 11 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Career-life development includes ongoing cycles of exploring, planning, reflecting, adapting, and deciding.
YT 11 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Career-life decisions influence and are influenced by internal and external factors, including local and global trends.
YT 11 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Engaging in networks and reciprocal relationships can guide and broaden career-life awareness and options.
YT 11 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Lifelong learning and active citizenship foster career-life opportunities for people and communities.
YT 12 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Career-life development includes ongoing cycles of exploring, planning, reflecting, adapting, and deciding.
YT 12 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Career-life decisions influence and are influenced by internal and external factors, including local and global trends.
YT 12 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Engaging in networks and reciprocal relationships can guide and broaden career-life awareness and options.
YT 12 Career-Life Connections (2018) Big Idea: Lifelong learning and active citizenship foster career-life opportunities for people and communities.
AB 10 CTR1010: Job Preparation (2016) Job Preparation
PE 9 Science Grade 9 (revised 2018) Decisions and Perspectives
PE 10 Science 421A (2019) Decisions and Perspectives
PE 10 Career Exploration and Opportunities CEO401A (2019) Career Building

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This contest will challenge students from grade 5 to 12 to come up with a future career concept that could be turned into a video in our next That’s a Real Job campaign!

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