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Video Review

Student viewing a video

Student viewing a video (tizkes, iStokphoto)

Student viewing a video

Student viewing a video (tizkes, iStokphoto)


How does this align with my curriculum?

PE 9 Science Grade 9 (revised 2018) Decisions and Perspectives
PE 10 Science 421A (2019) Decisions and Perspectives
PE 12 Chemistry 621A (draft 2021) Decisions and Perspectives DP1
PE 11 Chemistry 521A (draft 2021) Decisions and Perspectives DP1

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This strategy helps students reflect upon and assess a video.

Why use it?

  • To develop critical thinking skills
  • To reflect on new knowledge using higher order thinking skills
  • To analyse and consolidate information
  • To communicate for a given audience and purpose

Tips for success

  • This strategy can work well with any video.
  • Students could do the video reviews in small groups rather than individually.
  • Student pieces could be posted on a class portal, etc. 

How do I use it?

  • Before the class, select a video/movie review that you wish to use as a sample. Reviews used on can be a good starting point. Bookmark the site.
  • Review with the class the purposes of an educational video review. These include:
    • To inform – the review needs to tell people who made the video, the type of video (e.g., interview, animation, etc.) and where it can be viewed
    • To describe - the review should describe what the video is about (the subject)
    • To analyze – the review provides an opinion on whether the video is good or not and why.
    • To advise - the review should tell the reader whether or not to watch the video and give it a rating out of five stars
  • Identify the audience for the review. It could be other students, teachers, etc.
  • Students can use the Video Review template to plan the review and record their ideas.
Video Review Reproducible Template
Video Review Reproducible Template


  • Have students with opposing viewpoints (one gave a good review, one a bad review) discuss and challenge each other’s reviews.
  • Summarize the class reviews. What is the average number of stars that the video received?
  • Use this strategy with other media, such as books, articles and movies.


  • Have students do additional external research to support or refute the claims and information in the article or video.
  • Have students conduct reviews of different media related to a specific theme or science concept. Compile and post the reviews to an online “learn more about…” page.


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BBC GCSE Bitesize. (2014). Task 1: planning to write a film review.

Campsall, S. (2014). Writing to review.