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Michael Greene | Gestionnaire de secteur, Garde côtière canadienne

Michael Greene

Career Profiles

Area Manager

Michael Greene is the Area Manager for the Electronics and Informatic Systems branch of the Canadian Coast Guard.
Richard Johnstone | Instructeur en aérospatiale

Richard Johnstone

Career Profiles

Aerospace Instructor

Richard Johnstone is an Aerospace Instructor at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).
Jackie Frampton | Électricienne en construction

Jackie Frampton

Career Profiles

Construction Electrician

Jackie Frampton is a construction electrician in Newfoundland.
Shelley Sandiford | Fondatrice, Sciconic Science Media

Shelley Sandiford

Career Profiles


Shelley Sandiford is the Founder of Sciconic Science Media.
Robert Thirsk | Ancien astronaute de l’Agence spatiale canadienne

Robert Thirsk

Career Profiles

Former CSA Astronaut

Robert Thirsk is a Former CSA Astronaut.
Zane Westmoreland | Fondateur, Acadiate

Zane Westmoreland


Zane Westmoreland is the Founder of Acadiate, located in Ontario.
Victor Matos | Contremaître de chantier, installation de coffrages de béton

Victor Matos

Foreman Concrete Forming

Victor Matos practices Foreman Concrete Forming in Ontario.
Brad Simon | Technologue en génie

Brad Simon

Career Profiles

Engineering Technologist

Brad Simon is an engineering technologist in the Mechanical Manufacturing branch of Ocean Choice International.
Andrew Stewart | Geotechnical Engineer en formation

Andrew Stewart

Career Profiles

Geotechnical Engineer in Training

Andrew Stewart is a geotechnical engineer in training in Ontario.
Janet Smylie | Médecin de famille et chercheuse

Janet Smylie

Career Profiles

Family Doctor and Research Scientist

Janet Smylie is a family doctor and research scientist at St. Michael's Hospital.
Ryan Barichello | Président de LinxSmart & Partner - SOAP Vault.

Ryan Barichello

Career Profiles


Ryan Barichello is the President of LinxSmart & Partner - SOAP Vault.
Lauren Saville | Présidente et créatrice chez Primate Tales

Lauren Saville

Career Profiles

Owner & creator

Lauren Saville is the Owner & creator of Primate Tales.
Becki Peckham | Graphic Graphiste et photographe, Bold Creative

Becki Peckham

Career Profiles

Graphic Designer and Photographer

Becki Peckham is a graphic designer and photographer at Bold Creative.
Kirstene Reyes | Charpentière

Kirstene Reyes

Career Profiles


Kirstene Reyes is a Carpenter for Kiewit-Kvaerner Contractors.
Brian Camenzuli | Vice-président, conception et études techniques, KARIBU Solar Power

Brian Camenzuli

Career Profiles

VP of Design & Engineering

Brian Camenzuli is the VP of design and engineering at KARIBU Solar Power.