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David Charest | Directeur du développement sectoriel

David Charest

Career Profiles

Director, Sector Development

David Charest is the director of sector development at Genome in British Columbia.
Carolyn Fitzsimmons | Chercheuse scientifique

Carolyn Fitzsimmons

Career Profiles

Research Scientist

Carolyn Fitzsimmons is a research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Steph Halmhofer | Bioarchéologue

Steph Halmhofer

Career Profiles


Steph Halmhofer is a Bioarchaeologist for In Situ Anthropological Consulting.
Julia Matheson Technicienne en recherche, Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS)

Julia Matheson

Career Profiles

Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) Research Technician

Julia Matheson is the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) Research Technician for the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS).
Jean-Paul De Roover

Jean-Paul De Roover

Career Profiles


Jean-Paul De Roover is the President of Jean-Paul De Roover Inc.
Erik Blachford | Investisseur en capital-risque

Erik Blachford

Career Profiles

Venture Capital Investor

Erik Blachford is a venture capital investor in California, USA.
Phillip Craig | Manipulateur d'artefacts

Phillip Craig

Career Profiles

Artifact Handler

Phillip Craig is an Artifact Handler for the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation.
Nathan Murdoch | Ingénieur structurel subalterne en formation

Nathan Murdoch

Career Profiles

Junior Structural Engineer-in-Training

Nathan Murdoch is a Junior Structural Engineer-in-Training at CH2M HILL CANADA.
Lorraine Gouin | Agente, médias sociaux

Lorraine Gouin

Career Profiles

Social Media Officer

Lorraine Gouin is the Social Media Officer for Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation.
Anna Adamek | Curator

Anna Adamek

Career Profiles


Anna Adamek is a curator at the Natural Resources and Industrial Design at the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation.
Kofi Adasi | Chargé de cours en biologie

Kofi Adasi

Career Profiles

Biology Lecturer

Kofi Adasi is a Biology Lecturer at King's University college.
Daryl Dominique en conférence

Daryl Dominique

Career Profiles

CEO & Designer

Daryl Dominique is the CEO and Designer at CMD Prototyping.
Shakib Rahman | Assistant de recherche

Shakib Rahman

Career Profiles

Knee and Hip Clinic Research Assistant

Shakib Rahman is a Research Assistant at the Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute.
Sylvie Cloutier | Chercheuse scientifique – généticienne moléculaire

Sylvie Cloutier

Research Scientist

Sylvie Cloutier is a Research Scientist with a focus in Molecular geneticist for Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada.