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Genny Marcoux debout devant un fond de fleurs artificielles roses et blanches de taille humaine.

Genny Marcoux

Career Profiles

Infrastructure and Security Manager

I manage a team of experts that create a secure environment for our course developers to build virtual computers that our customers used to learn about the products we sell and to learn more about cybersecurity and how to stay secure online.
portrait par Valerie Martell

Valerie Martell

Career Profiles

Funeral Director/Embalmer

As a Funeral Director and Embalmer I arrange care and disposition of deceased people.
3D printed rectangular plastic device with channels running through it and holes where valves can be plugged in.

Scott Baker

Career Profiles

Mechanical Designer

I design physical parts and small machines and I create prototypes that we can quickly test.
Zack Anderson headshot

Zack Anderson (he/him)

Career Profiles

Director, Science Connections

I manage a team of talented individuals and build partnerships to create great programs at the Telus Spark Science Centre.
Greg Kostiuk headshot

Greg Kostiuk

Career Profiles

School Principal (Retired)

I provided leadership and support to staff and students in publicly-funded Catholic education.
portrait de Nevicia Case

Nevicia Case (she/her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Fellow

I do research on how to make stem cell therapies more accessible, while also making sure they're safe and effective in treating diseases.
Logan Oldstar Arcilla

Logan Oldstar Arcilla (he/him)

Career Profiles

General Manager, Robotics and Technology Programs

I develop robotics programs for Indigenous youth using the FIRST robotics model.
Chelsea Matisz working at a lab bench with glassware on shelves behind her and various containers in front of her

Chelsea Matisz (she/her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Scholar

As a postdoctoral researcher, I have completed my PhD, and am now developing all the research, writing, and technical skills I need to become a skilled scientist.
Andrea Brack

Andrea Brack

Career Profiles

Environmental and Regulatory Team Coordinator

I lead a team of environmental professionals at a large petrochemical manufacturing facility.
Dr. Bukola Salami

Bukola Salami (she/her)

Career Profiles

Professor, Faculty of Nursing

I do research with Black communities and teach undergraduate and graduate students.
Luke Humphries

Luke Humphries

Career Profiles

Director, Process Development

I lead teams of scientists to discover and develop the best ways of making drug molecules for clinical trials.
portrait de Steve Lawrence

Steve Lawrence

Career Profiles

Sales Manager

As sales manager for Eos Positioning in Canada, I work with the Sales Reps, Marketing and Production.
Portrait de Anindya Kumar Ghosal

Anindya Kumar Ghosal (he/him)

Career Profiles

Senior Product Team Lead (Chemical Engineer)

I create chemicals that are added to gasoline so it will burn cleaner in the automobile’s engine.
Portrait de Kim TallBear

Kim TallBear (she/her)

Career Profiles

Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience and Society, Faculty of Native Studies

I teach university and do research on science and technology from an Indigenous perspective.
Portrait de Corie Houldsworth

Corie Houldsworth

Career Profiles


I perform inspections of worksites where radiation is used, stored or transported.