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Unit 3: Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium I

Medical staff distributing COVID-19 vaccines

What’s Special About the New COVID-19 Vaccines?

STEM Explained

Learn about viruses, vaccines and why the new COVID-19 vaccines are innovative.

Erica Dupuis montrant comment utiliser un stéthoscope à une jeune fille

Erica Dupuis

Cardiac Registered Nurse

Erica Dupuis is a Cardiac Registered Nurse for Horizon Health Network, NB.
Medical supplies and Canada flag

Creating a Vaccine for COVID-19 in Canada

STEM Explained

Learn how vaccines are developed, how they work and how some scientists in Canada are researching vaccines for COVID-19.

Icon showing a syringe on a shield

Herd Immunity: How Vaccines Protect the Most Vulnerable


What is herd immunity and how does it protect some of the most vulnerable people in our communities?

Infant receiving a vaccination

Immunity and Vaccination


Learn about the history of vaccines and how vaccines trigger an immune response that keep us from getting some dangerous diseases.

Human organs for transplantation

Organ Transplantation


Learn about organ transplantation - what it is, how it can save lives, how your immune system responds, and how the matching process works.

Human kidney cross-section

Osmosis and Its Role in Human Biology and Health

STEM Explained

Learn how and where osmosis takes place in the digestive system and excretory system and the role of osmosis in kidney dialysis.

Inflammation of the knee

The Immune Response: A Cellular War

STEM Explained

An inflammatory response is your body’s attempt to fight invaders. Learn how your body springs into action when attacked!

Nutrition label on the side of a pop can

The Science Behind Calories and Nutrition Facts Labels

STEM Explained

Find out how scientists figure out the information on food nutrition labels and why that information can help to keep you healthy.

Looking at a donut and a brain through a magnifying glass

How Sugar Affects the Brain

STEM Explained

Consuming sugary foods and drinks activates your brain’s reward system - the same system that can cause addiction.

Bread and wheat with a warning sign

Celiac Disease: When You Really Need to Stay Gluten-Free

STEM Explained

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder. Gluten triggers an immune system response, seriously affecting nutrition.

https://aWhy are peas and corn classed as starches on food guides?

Why are peas and corn classed as starches on food guides?

Hands-on Activities

Learn how test foods for starch.

Why do oil and water not mix?

Why do oil and water not mix?

Hands-on Activities

What chemistry determines how oil and water behave when mixed? Explore the mixing of oil and water and the density of liquids in this activity.

Suffering from a hangover

Why Do People Get Hangovers?

STEM Explained

Why does drinking too much alcohol make people feel so bad? Read about four theories.

Arctic pack ice

Why Don't Fish Freeze in Cold Arctic Waters?

STEM Explained

Ever wonder how fish survive in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic? It’s partly because of a brilliant evolutionary adaptation.