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Strand C: Structure and Properties of Matter

portrait par Olivia Ivany

Olivia Ivany

Career Profiles

Diagnostic Medical Sonographer

I perform different kinds of ultrasounds on different parts of the body.
portrait de Sarah Eaton

Sarah Jane Eaton

Career Profiles


I lead a team that is responsible for licensing small modular reactors.
Marty Larabie

Marty Larabie (he/him)

Career Profiles

Radiation Inspector

I perform radiation safety inspections of persons who use nuclear material.
Portrait de Corie Houldsworth

Corie Houldsworth

Career Profiles


I perform inspections of worksites where radiation is used, stored or transported.
Medical Equipment and Instruments

Medicine and Science: Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about the intersection of medicine and science.

Pickering nuclear power generation station

Let's Talk Nuclear Resources


Discover a list of resources to get you thinking about all things nuclear!

Working at laptop with stethoscope on desk

Summer Symposium Series: Health Sciences Career Resources


A career in the health sciences would let you help people directly in a very 'hands-on' way!

Image of T cells attacking and killing cancer cells

Resources on Cancer

STEM Explained

Medical image of the brain using Technetium-99m

Innovations in Nuclear Technologies

STEM Explained

Learn about why Canada is a world leader in nuclear technology.

Beamline Assembly at TRIUMF

Exploring Canada’s Particle Accelerators

STEM Explained

Particle accelerators have amazing applications - from growing food to making airplanes safe.

Jason Bowie travaillant à l'ordinateur

Jason Bowie

Associate Director & National Business Manager (Oncology)

Jason Bowie is an Associate Director & National Business Manager (Oncology) for Merck Canada.
Ultrasound treatment on knee



Learn about the history, function, uses, benefits and risks of Ultrasonography as a medical imaging technology.

dental x-ray

Radiography & X-ray Imaging


Learn about radiography and x-rays as a form of medical imaging technology.

Ophthalmic imaging equipment

Ophthalmic Imaging


Learn about the history, function, uses, benefits and risks of ophthalmic imaging as a medical imaging technology.

Colour-enhanced MRI of brain and eyes

Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Learn about the history, function, uses, benefits and risks of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as a medical imaging technology.