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Unit 2: Chemical Reactions

Rolls of aluminum

Chemistry in the Aluminum Industry


Learn about the role of chemistry in the aluminum industry.

Green chemistry industry icon

Introduction to Green Chemistry

STEM Explained

Green chemistry is a field that looks at the sustainability of products and processes designed by people.

Cars driving through thick smog

How Vehicles Pollute the Air


Learn how vehicles affect air quality, including their contribution to smog.

fuel cell car header

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles


Learn about vehicles that use hydrogen for fuel.

Shari Forbes à l'extérieur du centre de décomposition humaine

Shari Forbes (she/her/elle)

Career Profiles

Forensic Scientist

I conduct research to understand how the human body decomposes in our unique Canadian environment.
Hand writing chemical equations

Chemical Equations


Learn about how to write and balance chemical equations.

Heating a liquid over a flame in a lab

Types of Chemical Reactions


Learn about the four main types of chemical reactions.

Test tubes with colourful liquids

Evidence of Chemical Change


Learn how to tell if a chemical reaction has taken place.

Electroplating equipment

Chemical Reactions: Conditions & Speeds


Learn about the special conditions that let some chemical reactions take place.

Colourful liquids and periodic table

Describing and Classifying Matter


Learn about the physical and chemical properties of matter.

Timothy Burkhart

Query a Career Profile


Students will explore career profiles and relate them to what they are learning in science class.

Solutioneers Episode 5 screen shot

The Solutioneers Week 5: Chemical Bonding


This week's episodes and hands-on activity explore some cool chemistry!

Platinum crystals

Catalytic Converters

STEM Explained

Learn about how catalytic converters make vehicle emissions less harmful.

Blue whale swimming

Can Whales Really Explode?

STEM Explained

When deceased whales wash up on shore, people fear they might explode. Gas laws, decomposition reactions and organic chemistry can help us understand this fear.

Browning apple

Why Do Apples Turn Brown After You Cut Them?

STEM Explained

Has your fresh juicy apple turned an unsightly brown? Learn about the redox reaction behind the transformation.