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The Earth and Space: General Characteristics of Earth

Nancy Rogers debout sur un affleurement rocheux où elle prospecte des minéraux. Encadré : Roche de labradorite coupée pour exposer les motifs de couleur.

Nancy Rogers

Career Profiles

Genuine Prospector and Craftsperson

I travel to remote areas looking for signs of minerals and crystals.
portrait de Sarah Elliott-Le Dreff

Sarah Elliott-Le Dreff (she/her)

Career Profiles

Senior Manager, Project Controls

I lead a team that provides cost, schedule, risk, and reporting services to the Darlington New Nuclear Project, which will build Canada's first grid scale Small Modular Reactor.
White Sturgeon

Conserving British Columbia’s White Sturgeon


Learn about British Columbia’s White Sturgeon and some of the ways people are working to preserve their habitat.

Michael Leger standing in front of a boat tied to dock.

Michel Leger (he/him/they)

Career Profiles


I use sound and light to measure, describe and map the ocean floor.
Rolls of aluminum

Chemistry in the Aluminum Industry


Learn about the role of chemistry in the aluminum industry.

Silhouette of person in front of aurora

Auroras: Spectacular Light Shows


Learn about auroras - spectacular light shows in the night sky.

Peat bog in northern Alberta

Peat Bogs and the Ring of Fire


Learn about peat bogs, the threats they face and how you can help.

portrait de Sarah Lockwood

Sarah Lockwood (she/her)

Career Profiles

Mine Geologist

I study the geology of an area to figure out where diamonds are located.
Jonas Goldman

Jonas Goldman

Career Profiles

Trade and Climate Change Policy Analysis

I research various subjects (technology, economics, politics) to inform the making of climate policy.
portrait de Mike Fabro

Mike Fabro

Career Profiles

Manager, Climate Change Planning

I work with my team to plan and implement London, Ontario's response to the climate crisis.
portrait de Areej Riaz

Areej Riaz

Career Profiles

Operations Manager

I work with individuals and organizations on programs that help address climate change.
Jane Burchill

Jane Burchill (she/her)

Career Profiles

Decarbonization & Sustainability Specialist

I work to make the operations at the Port of Saint John cleaner, more sustainable, and lower our carbon footprint.
portrait de Celina Wolki

Celina Wolki

Career Profiles

Researcher, Community Leader, and Regional Coordinator

I research food prices in northern communities and am involved in local projects to make sure every member of my community has access to food.
Isabel Hilgendag

Isabel Hilgendag

Career Profiles

MSc Student (Biology)

I look for heavy metals, such as mercury, in Arctic marine animals, to ensure they are safe to eat.
Charlotte Cockburn standing in front of signs indicating distance to a variety of locations from Alert, Nunavut.

Charlotte Cockburn (she/her)

Career Profiles

Physical Scientist

I make sure we can monitor the weather all across Canada.