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Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics

Clown Fish

Fish: Saltwater

Picture Collections

14 images of some fish such as lion fish, grouper and sharks that live in saltwater environments like oceans, saltwater lakes and aquariums

Water Lily

Flowers: Cup Shape

Picture Collections

8 images of some flowerheads such as roses and water lilies whose outer petals are longer than the petals in the centre of the flower


Flowers: Irregular Shape

Picture Collections

3 images of some asymmetrical flowerheads such as an iris and an Orchis Sima or Monkey Orchid


Flowers: Radial Shape

Picture Collections

7 images of some symmetrical flowerheads such as asters and sunflowers whose petals radiate from the centre of the flower

Massive algal bloom

Eutrophication: Why you should care about pond scum

STEM Explained

When fertilizers from agriculture get into lakes and rivers, big problems can result for aquatic ecosystems, food chains & webs!

Grey Herons Building Nest

Birds: Nest Construction

Picture Collections

images of some birds in the process of building their nests

Nest With Eggs

Birds: Nests

Picture Collections

10 images of some birds' nests showing various designs, structures and materials used for building them


Birds: Raptors (Birds of Prey)

Picture Collections

5 images of predatory birds that hunt and feed on other animals such as eagles, the Great Horned Owl and vultures

Blue Jay

Birds: Songbirds

Picture Collections

10 images of some birds such as finches, chickadees and cardinals that produce sounds and calls in a musical way

A beaver looks up from the water. Image © Jillian Cooper,

Canadian Invaders!

STEM Explained

Beavers are a Canadian symbol. But in South America, they’re considered an invasive species.

Measuring Changes To A Glacier

Careers: Climatologist

Picture Collections

5 images of some work related to the scientific study of climate such as using instruments to measure changes in climates

Reporting The Weather

Careers: Meteorologist

Picture Collections

4 images of some work that a meteorologist might do such as forecasting the weather and analyzing clouds

African Penguins

Birds: Flightless

Picture Collections

4 images of some birds such as emus and penguins that have less developed or small wings and have evolved over time not to be able to fly


Birds: Landfowl

Picture Collections

4 images of some birds that are heavy-bodied and ground feeders such as turkeys, pheasants and peacocks

Green tree frog


Picture Collections

12 images of some cold-blooded animals such as frogs and newts classified as amphibians that can live in the water or on land