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Atmosphere and Hydrosphere

Factory smokestacks

Let's Talk Pollution Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about pollution.

Woman with Canadian flag near the ocean

Monitoring the Ocean with Radar


Learn about how a special type of radar helps monitor and protect Canada’s oceans.

Anaïs Remili tenant un sac de poissons à étudier.

Anaïs Remili (she/her)

Whale Researcher

I am doing research on pollution in killer whales.
Fishing boat catching fish

How will climate change impact fisheries?


Learn about how climate change is impacting fisheries around the world.

Remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV)

Human Exploration of the Deep Ocean


Learn about how humans explore the deep ocean and what they have learned.

The three RADARSAT Constellation Mission spacecraft

7 ways Satellites Help Fight Climate Change


Discover 7 ways satellite Earth observation helps fight climate change.

3D rendering of the offshore oceanographic science vessel

Canada’s Next Generation Oceanographic Science Research Ship


Learn about Canada’s newest Offshore Oceanographic Science Vessel.

Ashley Noseworthy avec l'océan derrière elle

Ashley Noseworthy

Career Profiles

CEO/Founder of Edgewise Environmental

I own and operate an environmental consultancy that helps companies reduce their underwater noise pollution.
Red jellyfish

Life in the Deep Sea


Learn about the unique creatures that live in deep sea ecosystems.

Coral reef

Coral Ecosystems


Learn about coral ecosystems and why they are important as well as what you can do to help keep them healthy.

Waves and rocks

The World of Ocean Currents


Learn about oceans and ocean currents and how they are being impacted by climate change.

Four Harvard training aircraft

How Planes Fly


Learn about what gets planes up in the air, what keeps them up there, and what brings them down again.

Underwater scene with reef

Ocean Zones


Learn about the pelagic and benthic zones of oceans.

Cuvier's beaked whales

Are Whales Beaching Themselves Stressed By Sonar?

STEM Explained

Read about why sonar could be causing some whales to beach themselves.

Illustration of the Earth

Summer Symposium Series: Climate Career Resources


A career focused on climate change and sustainability would let you help people by working to help solve the biggest problems of our time.