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Characteristics of Living Things

Blue Jay

Birds: Songbirds

Picture Collections

10 images of some birds such as finches, chickadees and cardinals that produce sounds and calls in a musical way

Green tree frog


Picture Collections

12 images of some cold-blooded animals such as frogs and newts classified as amphibians that can live in the water or on land

Chameleon blending in its surroundings

Animals: Adaptation

Picture Collections

11 images of some animals such as lizards and Arctic Hares whose appearance has adapted to provide protection in their environments


Animals: Babies and Adults

Picture Collections

20 images of animal pairs such as polar bears, turtle, dogs and birds in their juvenile and adult stages of life

Grizzly Bear

Animals: Hibernation

Picture Collections

10 images of some animals such as bears, bats, turtles and lemurs that spend the cold weather in a dormant state


Animals: Migration

Picture Collections

10 images of some animals such as salmon, Monarch butterflies, whales, zebras and wildebeast that move seasonally from one region to another



Picture Collections

5 images of invertebrates such as spiders and scorpions characterized by having 4 pairs of segmented legs, 2 main body parts and simple eyes

White Swan

Birds: Aquatic

Picture Collections

12 images of some birds such as seagulls, puffins, ducks and Canada Geese that live on or around freshwater or saltwater habitats

African Penguins

Birds: Flightless

Picture Collections

4 images of some birds such as emus and penguins that have less developed or small wings and have evolved over time not to be able to fly


Birds: Landfowl

Picture Collections

4 images of some birds that are heavy-bodied and ground feeders such as turkeys, pheasants and peacocks