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Learning Strategy

A diverse group of students reading from notebooks and smiling

Gallery Walk

Teaching STEM

This learning strategy provides students with the opportunity to walk around a classroom, actively engaging with content and each other.

Crumpled yellow paper made to look like a lightbulb


Teaching STEM

This learning strategy helps students activate prior knowledge or share ideas in an anonymous, safe way.

Child looking at sticky notes that have been stuck to the camera

Generate, Sort, Synthesize

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students explore and synthesize information while incorporating and honoring individual points of view.

Venn diagram of differently coloured circles


Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students build relationships within a small group by identifying commonalities, distinctions, and areas of expertise.

Traffic lights, red yellow and green

Traffic Lights

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students pause and reflect on how they are feeling about a concept or idea.

Thinking youth

Here’s What!... So What?... Now What?

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students challenge and reflect on ideas, understandings and perspectives.

Group of people brainstorming

First Turn, Last Turn

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students collaborate and practice active listening by taking turns to offer insights without cross-talking.

Girl writing notes down onto a clipboard with another girl behind her.

Walk Around Survey

Teaching STEM

In this learning strategy, students walk around the room to gather information from their peers.

Unrolling paper scroll

Annotated Text Scrolls

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students comprehend large blocks of text by looking at and annotating the text in a continuous scroll format.

A stack of blocks with the number 1, 2, and 3


Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students summarize and engage with new content.

Question mark on its side

Leading Questions

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students solve a problem by asking each other leading questions.

Carousel on a sunny day

Carousel Brainstorm

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students generate ideas in response to prompts and build on the ideas of others.

students revising

TAG Feedback

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students provide constructive feedback to peers.

Chat discussion icons

Say Something

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students participate actively in group discussions.

Page from a dictionary

Visual Dictionary

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students develop a deeper understanding of new words or concepts.