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Amazing Race Personal Genomics

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Health Sciences Volunteer Activities

Students go through a pipeline of some of the tasks needed to be done for a patient to get their genome sequenced from point A, all the way to point B where the patient will receive their personalized treatment.

This activity can be done with students in a classroom or at-home learners.

Note: the printing for 6 groups costs ~$100 so we laminate ours for in-person outreach and ask the teacher if the students have devices they can use to view the documents needed for the race electronically and only print when this isn't an option.

What You Need

Materials (per group/individual if being dropped off to a school):

  • Amazing Race PowerPoint presentation*
  • 1 Amazing Race answer key
  • Part 1 envelope: Ethical Dilemma Prompt**
  • Part 2 envelope: 2 documents - sequencing prompt and the sequence **
  • Part 3 envelope: 13 documents - Gene Selection prompt and 12 gene cards**
  • Part 4 envelope: 2 documents - Data Analysis prompt and the data**
  • Part 5 envelope: 4 documents - Treatment prompt, patient1 chart, patient2 chart, drug options**

*Provide the educator with the YouTube link:

**These materials are per group/individual. These can be printed and given to the group or provided electronically.

Materials if not dropping off to the school:

  • Amazing Race PowerPoint presentation*
  • 1 Amazing Race answer key
  • Part 1 envelope: Ethical Dilemma Prompt**
  • Part 2 envelope: 2 documents - sequencing prompt and the sequence **
  • Part 3 envelope: 13 documents - Gene Selection prompt and 12 gene cards**
  • Part 4 envelope: 2 documents - Data Analysis prompt and the data**
  • Part 5 envelope: 4 documents - Treatment prompt, patient1 chart, patient2 chart, drug options**

*Provide the educator with the YouTube link:

**These materials are sent to the teacher to give to the students. Since they need to do Part 1 to do Part 2, and Part 2 to do Part 3, and so on, it is better if the teacher can load these on Google Classroom but not have the students access them until the volunteers tell them to go ahead with Part 1. 

See Resources section below for Parts 1-5 documents.



Answer Key:

Safety Notes

Ensure you are familiar with Let's Talk Science's precautions with respect to safe delivery of virtual outreach to youth. These precautions can be found in the manual for this activity. 

What To Do

Students will be divided into groups (or they can work individually depending on the group) for a game of "The Amazing Race".

Students will be going through a series of tasks that are required to complete genome sequencing on a patient from Point A to B where the patient will receive personalized treatment. 

As students work through the tasks, they must check their answers with the Volunteers. If the answer is correct, they will receive the next envelope and move on through the tasks. 

Once students are divided into groups, the educator will give each group an Envelope 1 and they may open the envelope when the volunteer says go. Students will work through the tasks individually but have the option to ask for help if they are stuck. 

Detailed instructions can be found inside the manual for this activity. 

If students are keen on the topic, you can go into a discussion about Clinical testing versus Commercial testing. Commercial genetic testing can be done without a doctor's permission. This type of testing can be done by purchasing kits online (e.g., 23andMe, etc.). Students can do more research about how these types of commercial testing work, and what ethical issues can arise with this type of testing. 

Investigate Further

If students are keen on the topic, you can go into a discussion about Clinical testing versus Commercial testing. Commercial genetic testing can be done without a doctor's permission. This type of testing can be done by purchasing kits online (e.g., 23andMe, etc.). Students can do more research about how these types of commercial testing work, and what ethical issues can arise with this type of testing.