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Featured Volunteers

Our volunteers are talented post-secondary students, industry experts, faculty, staff and online volunteers who are dedicated to inspiring youth to engage in STEM across Canada.

Learn more about our incredible volunteers below.

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Meet Our Volunteers

  • Jessica Wilson

    Jessica Wilson Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer at Dalhousie University

    “It was a Let’s Talk Science event in high school that inspired me to pursue my current major, and I wanted to have the same impact on kids as those volunteers and that event had on me.”

    Read more about Jessica Wilson
  • Christa Jonathan

    Yotakahron Christa Jonathan Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer at McMaster University

    “Growing up on the Six Nations reserve and attending elementary school there, I knew that my class hardly ever had anyone come into our classroom that was Indigenous. I believe that it makes a difference for Indigenous youth, to be able to see other Indigenous people who have achieved their goals.”

    Read more about Yotakahron Christa Jonathan
  • Daniel Saucier

    Daniel Saucier Let's Talk Science Outreach program at the Université de Moncton, Moncton Campus

    “As a swimming instructor and scientist, Let's Talk Science allows me to pursue two of my passions, while supporting a very important cause for the future of innovation and our society in general!”

    Read more about Daniel Saucier
  • Apurva Bhardwaj

    Apurva Bhardwaj Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer at the University of Winnipeg

    “I was probably 10 when I first visited an orphanage with my mom and dad back home. That was the first time I was asked to share my books with kids I did not even know. Fortunately Let’s Talk Science served as a platform to go on with my passion “to assist, teach and educate one and all” in a new country. Slow gradual steps, today has bought me as far as five months old in this country, and Let’s…

    Read more about Apurva Bhardwaj
  • Emily Brown

    Emily Brown Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer at the University of New Brunswick, Saint John

    “I volunteer with Let’s Talk Science because it’s encouraging to see kids get excited about science; they always want to know more and to understand what’s going on..”

    Read more about Emily Brown
  • Beverly McClenaghan

    Beverly McClenaghan CurioCity Volunteer

    “To inspire a fascination about the natural world and to teach students about all the amazing possibilities out there when you study science.”

    Read more about Beverly McClenaghan