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Featured Volunteers

Our volunteers are talented post-secondary students, industry experts, faculty, staff and online volunteers who are dedicated to inspiring youth to engage in STEM across Canada.

Learn more about our incredible volunteers below.

Feeling inspired? Learn how to become a volunteer.

Meet Our Volunteers

  • Shelby Law

    Shelby Law Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at the University of Guelph

    “Seeing the way the mentees in the 2021 SciComm Camp supported and encouraged each other reminded me how important community and belonging is in learning.”

    Read more about Shelby Law
  • Arshpreet Manku

    Arshpreet Manku Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at Simon Fraser University

    “Seeing the pure joy and excitement in the child’s face brightened my day and reminded me why mentoring and interacting with the youth is so important.”

    Read more about Arshpreet Manku
  • Nisha Sivaharan

    Nisha Sivaharan Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at York University

    “I volunteer with Let’s Talk Science because I’m really passionate about science and want to spread this passion to our current youth.”

    Read more about Nisha Sivaharan
  • Jonathan Lauzon-Schnittka

    Jonathan Lauzon-Schnittka Let's Talk Science volunteer at Sherbrooke University

    "I have a child's heart deep inside me, so when I lead activities, I have as much fun as young people! »

    Read more about Jonathan Lauzon-Schnittka
  • Mahuum Ghaffar

    Mahumm Ghaffar Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at MUN-Grenfell campus

    “Teaching science especially to kids is a lot more fun because the spark of curiosity and happiness in their eyes after completing a task is a delight to watch.”

    Read more about Mahumm Ghaffar
  • Graeme Currie sitting on swing wearing Let's Talk Science T-shirt.

    Graeme Currie Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at the University of Waterloo

    “It was awesome seeing ideas and input from kids that are interested in science and those who might not even know they are yet!”

    Read more about Graeme Currie