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Kaylyn Roloson

Metal Fabricator

Walters Group Inc.

Created On: May 23, 2018
Education Pathway: College/Technical
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Learn About My Career

Kaylyn Roloson is a Metal Fabricator for Walters Group Inc.

I was born/grew up in: Hagersville, Ontario, Canada

I now live in: Hagersville, Ontario, Canada

I completed my training/education at: Mohawk College and Conestoga College

My day always starts with reading and analyzing the blue print for the job I will be working on. This also includes selecting the appropriate tools and methods for completing the assembly described on the print. This task usually involves creating a layout on I-beams or hollowed bodied steel with soapstone. The soapstone lines show where the different connecting plates, bent plates or other beams and tubes may be located. These assemblies can sometimes be just a simple beam or a series of beams that create a complex truss or frame. I do this with the use of various squaring tools such as the combination square, a level, or 2 foot square. This process can then involve tacking the steel parts on the assembly with a welder, torch cutting with an acetylene torch, drilling holes with a magnetic drill and sometimes, major problem solving.

When it comes to problem solving on bigger projects I am usually with a coworker to create a jig or fixture to make the process of building easier. This is simply a process of creating guiding tools for the parts to rest on. This makes the measurements and angles of the project accurate and helps the pieces become square. I also occasionally have to use heat and hydraulic jacks to manipulate the pieces of steel in the direction they need to go. Finally, sometimes I get the pleasure of welding my completed assemblies; if I get lucky. These assemblies can be part of high rises, bridges, factories, malls, museums. You name it, we can build it out steel.

I had absolutely no interest in the trades when I was in high school. I wanted to go to university to study art and play varsity fastball. So I went on to Art School at McMaster and loved every minute of it. During this program I was introduced to the welding shop for the process of making metal sculptures. I fell in love with the procedure of building with welded steel. After receiving a degree in Studio Art and Art History I planned to do a Masters in Art. From there my plan was to teach at a college or university.

However, things did not go as planned. I applied to go to graduate school but was not accepted. I felt defeated. I decided to improve my welding skills so I could make better metal sculptures. I enrolled in an introductory course at Mohawk College for welding and metal fabrication. This gave me my level one for an apprenticeship. I originally had not intended for this to be my career. But once I started fitting and welding assemblies, I found it rewarding. I wanted to continue to learn about this process. So, I became a welder because I couldn’t get into graduate school!

I get excited when I am assigned to a new project that I have not done before because it means that I will be learning new skills and gaining knowledge in my trade. I enjoy the physical aspect of my job, and that I get to use my hands everyday, and sometimes my creative ability. I also enjoy when I get to teach new coworkers, and when they get excited about a job as much as I am.

Without structural steel metal fabricators and welders buildings would not be what they are today. We make the buildings you live, work, and play in, the bridges you drive over and the museums and structures you observe history in.

I enjoy running, going on hikes and playing fastball. I also stay active in my arts community by being on the Board of Directors at Hamilton Artists Inc. and helping out with events. I relax by travelling and watching Netflix with my boyfriend, and I hope to start making artwork again soon.

Do not be discouraged when you are given repetitive tasks. You can only become better, stronger and quicker with practice. Also do not be upset if you make a mistake. Mistakes are what you learn from. The best metal fabricators have made the biggest mistakes and it only makes them better.

What I do at work

My day always starts with reading and analyzing the blue print for the job I will be working on. This also includes selecting the appropriate tools and methods for completing the assembly described on the print. This task usually involves creating a layout on I-beams or hollowed bodied steel with soapstone. The soapstone lines show where the different connecting plates, bent plates or other beams and tubes may be located. These assemblies can sometimes be just a simple beam or a series of beams that create a complex truss or frame. I do this with the use of various squaring tools such as the combination square, a level, or 2 foot square. This process can then involve tacking the steel parts on the assembly with a welder, torch cutting with an acetylene torch, drilling holes with a magnetic drill and sometimes, major problem solving.

When it comes to problem solving on bigger projects I am usually with a coworker to create a jig or fixture to make the process of building easier. This is simply a process of creating guiding tools for the parts to rest on. This makes the measurements and angles of the project accurate and helps the pieces become square. I also occasionally have to use heat and hydraulic jacks to manipulate the pieces of steel in the direction they need to go. Finally, sometimes I get the pleasure of welding my completed assemblies; if I get lucky. These assemblies can be part of high rises, bridges, factories, malls, museums. You name it, we can build it out steel.

My career path is

I had absolutely no interest in the trades when I was in high school. I wanted to go to university to study art and play varsity fastball. So I went on to Art School at McMaster and loved every minute of it. During this program I was introduced to the welding shop for the process of making metal sculptures. I fell in love with the procedure of building with welded steel. After receiving a degree in Studio Art and Art History I planned to do a Masters in Art. From there my plan was to teach at a college or university.

However, things did not go as planned. I applied to go to graduate school but was not accepted. I felt defeated. I decided to improve my welding skills so I could make better metal sculptures. I enrolled in an introductory course at Mohawk College for welding and metal fabrication. This gave me my level one for an apprenticeship. I originally had not intended for this to be my career. But once I started fitting and welding assemblies, I found it rewarding. I wanted to continue to learn about this process. So, I became a welder because I couldn’t get into graduate school!

I am motivated by

I get excited when I am assigned to a new project that I have not done before because it means that I will be learning new skills and gaining knowledge in my trade. I enjoy the physical aspect of my job, and that I get to use my hands everyday, and sometimes my creative ability. I also enjoy when I get to teach new coworkers, and when they get excited about a job as much as I am.

How I affect peoples’ lives

Without structural steel metal fabricators and welders buildings would not be what they are today. We make the buildings you live, work, and play in, the bridges you drive over and the museums and structures you observe history in.

Outside of work I

I enjoy running, going on hikes and playing fastball. I also stay active in my arts community by being on the Board of Directors at Hamilton Artists Inc. and helping out with events. I relax by travelling and watching Netflix with my boyfriend, and I hope to start making artwork again soon.

My advice to others

Do not be discouraged when you are given repetitive tasks. You can only become better, stronger and quicker with practice. Also do not be upset if you make a mistake. Mistakes are what you learn from. The best metal fabricators have made the biggest mistakes and it only makes them better.

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Art
  • Foods and Nutrition
  • Music
  • Physical Education/Health

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Brought people together
  • Always wanted to be outside
  • Liked helping people
  • Played on a sports team
  • Enjoyed working with my hands
  • Was motivated by success
  • Engaged in volunteer activities
  • Liked reading
  • Felt at home in the outside, natural environment
  • Was really creative
  • Felt great satisfaction in getting good grades
  • Learned best “by doing”
  • Liked to design or build things


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Skills Canada Ontario

Lets Talk Science is grateful to Skills Canada Ontario for connecting us with this individual.

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