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Ralph Renso Ronquillo

Spatial Information Analyst

Government of British Columbia

Created On: January 19, 2021
Education Pathway: College/Technical , University

Learn About My Career

Ralph Renso Ronquillo is a Spatial Information Analyst for the Government of British Columbia.

I was born/grew up in: I was born and raised in the Malolos, Philippines.

I now live in: I am working now in Kamloops, British Columbia.

I completed my training/education at: I completed the Bachelor of Applied Geographic Information Systems at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary. I also completed a Bachelor of Science in Geology, Mapua University, Philippines.

Currently, I am working as a Spatial Analyst with the BC Public service. My duties include doing spatial analysis of data, web application/mapping, and GIS consultation with stakeholders. Much of my work focuses on Business Innovation and emergency response.  I use Geographic Information Systems or Advanced Mapping technologies to help make better business decisions as well as to support policies.

I often work with other professionals. This includes engineers, scientists, managers and operations staff. This helps us have an efficient operation and provide high-level analysis for a project such as seeing how to address wildlife issues for a proposed road. When it comes to my profession, I would say its a mix of science and art. I create beautiful and readable maps showing complex analyses! GIS has no limits when it comes to its application. We can answer the question of "Where". For example, for a road project I can find which First Nation Boundaries need to be respected as the project is constructed.

After I finished high school, I went to university and studied geology. Soon after I graduated from there, I moved to Canada. I had some experience with mapping from my geology degree. This led me to go on to do a Bachelor of Applied Science at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). In this program, I studied Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and cartography. This is knowledge that I use in my current job.

Moving to Canada at the age of 21, I found it difficult to adjust and start a new life. At SAIT I pushed myself to both work hard and to seek opportunities to fit in. I improved my people skills by becoming a student leader and gaining new friends. Using my improved people skills, I was able to show that I am a team player on my job interview and eventually land a job in the provincial government. Check my LinkedIn profile for more information. 

Learning new things every time I do a project with different business units motivates me in my career. At the heart of my work is a passion for public service, and the goal to use GIS to make our citizens’ lives better.

I provide usable data to support business decisions and policies in the government. This could include such things as using GIS to help in responding to a flood or reporting to Emergency Centers. With this in mind, I help to make citizens travelling in British Columbia safe.

I usually love to cook, go out with friends and watch Netflix. I occasionally travel to Vancouver, Calgary and Kelowna to relax. Don't forget to reward yourself for working, you deserve it!

Whatever career you are taking, find friends that motivates and helps you get better. They will help you through hardships and make life easier. Do not be afraid to ask questions!

What I do at work

Currently, I am working as a Spatial Analyst with the BC Public service. My duties include doing spatial analysis of data, web application/mapping, and GIS consultation with stakeholders. Much of my work focuses on Business Innovation and emergency response.  I use Geographic Information Systems or Advanced Mapping technologies to help make better business decisions as well as to support policies.

I often work with other professionals. This includes engineers, scientists, managers and operations staff. This helps us have an efficient operation and provide high-level analysis for a project such as seeing how to address wildlife issues for a proposed road. When it comes to my profession, I would say its a mix of science and art. I create beautiful and readable maps showing complex analyses! GIS has no limits when it comes to its application. We can answer the question of "Where". For example, for a road project I can find which First Nation Boundaries need to be respected as the project is constructed.

My career path is

After I finished high school, I went to university and studied geology. Soon after I graduated from there, I moved to Canada. I had some experience with mapping from my geology degree. This led me to go on to do a Bachelor of Applied Science at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). In this program, I studied Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and cartography. This is knowledge that I use in my current job.

Moving to Canada at the age of 21, I found it difficult to adjust and start a new life. At SAIT I pushed myself to both work hard and to seek opportunities to fit in. I improved my people skills by becoming a student leader and gaining new friends. Using my improved people skills, I was able to show that I am a team player on my job interview and eventually land a job in the provincial government. Check my LinkedIn profile for more information. 

I am motivated by

Learning new things every time I do a project with different business units motivates me in my career. At the heart of my work is a passion for public service, and the goal to use GIS to make our citizens’ lives better.

How I affect peoples’ lives

I provide usable data to support business decisions and policies in the government. This could include such things as using GIS to help in responding to a flood or reporting to Emergency Centers. With this in mind, I help to make citizens travelling in British Columbia safe.

Outside of work I

I usually love to cook, go out with friends and watch Netflix. I occasionally travel to Vancouver, Calgary and Kelowna to relax. Don't forget to reward yourself for working, you deserve it!

My advice to others

Whatever career you are taking, find friends that motivates and helps you get better. They will help you through hardships and make life easier. Do not be afraid to ask questions!

When I was a student I enjoyed:

  • Art
  • Math
  • Science

When I was a student, I would describe myself as someone who:

  • Brought people together
  • Liked helping people
  • Organized activities for my friends
  • Was motivated by success
  • Wanted to be in charge
  • Liked being given free range to explore my ideas
  • Played video games
  • Was really creative
  • Felt great satisfaction in getting good grades
  • Liked to design or build things

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