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The Solutioneers Week 2: Ready to Roll

Screen shot from Solutioneers Episode 2

Screen shot from Solutioneers Episode 2

Screen shot from Solutioneers Episode 2

Screen shot from Solutioneers Episode 2

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How does this align with my curriculum?

Curriculum Alignment
NS 7 Science Grade 7 (2020) Learners will construct a structure in response to a design challenge.
NS 8 Science Grade 8 (2020) Learners will construct a device that utilizes hydraulics or pneumatics.
BC 1 Science Grade 1 (June 2016) Big Idea: Matter is useful because of its properties.
BC 2 Science Grade 2 (June 2016) Big Idea: Materials can be changed through physical and chemical processes.
BC K Science K (June 2016) Big Idea: Humans interact with matter every day through familiar materials.
MB 1 Science Grade 1 (1999) Cluster 3: Characteristics of Objects and Materials
MB 3 Science Grade 3 (1999) Cluster 2: Materials and Structures
MB 5 Science Grade 5 (2000) Cluster 2: Properties of and Changes in Substances
NL 1 Science 1 (2015) Unit 2: Materials and Our Senses
NL 3 Science 3 (2017) Unit 2: Materials and Structures
NL 5 Grade 5 Science (2017) Unit 3: Properties and Changes in Materials
NL K Exploring My World (2010) Using Things Around Us
NS 1 Science 1 (2019) Physical Science: Materials, objects, and devices
NS 3 Science 3 (2019) Physical Science: Structures
NS 5 Science 5 (2019) Physical Science: Chemical and Physical Properties
NS P Science Primary (2019) Learners will investigate sand and water through the senses
NS P Science Primary (2019) Learners will investigate materials through the senses
NU 1 K-6 Science and Technology Curriculum (NWT, 2004) Matter and Materials: Characteristics of Objects and Properties of Materials
NU 5 K-6 Science and Technology Curriculum (NWT, 2004) Matter and Materials: Properties of and Changes in Matter
ON K The Kindergarten Program (2016) 13. use the processes and skills of an inquiry stance (i.e., questioning, planning, predicting, observing, and communicating)
PE 1 Science Grade 1 (2012) Physical Science
PE 3 Science Grade 3 (2012) Physical Science: Invisible Forces
PE K Science K (June 2016) Big Idea: Humans interact with matter every day through familiar materials.
QC Elementary Cycle 1 Science and Technology, Elementary Material World
QC Elementary Cycle 2 Science and Technology, Elementary Material World
QC Elementary Cycle 3 Science and Technology, Elementary Material World
QC P Preschool Education Learnings Related to Cognitive Development
YT 2 Science Grade 2 (British Columbia, June 2016) Big Idea: Materials can be changed through physical and chemical processes.
SK 1 Science Grade 1 (2011) Physical Science – Using Objects and Materials (OM)
SK 3 Science Grade 3 (2011) Physical Science – Structures and Materials (SM)
SK 5 Science Grade 5 (2011) Physical Science – Properties and Changes of Materials (MC)
SK K Kindergarten (2010) Physical Science: Materials and Objects (MO)
ON 1 Science and Technology, Grades 1 (2022) Strand D: Everyday Materials, Objects, and Structures
ON 5 Science and Technology, Grade 5 (2022) Strand C: Properties of and Changes in Matter
NT 1 K-6 Science and Technology Curriculum (NWT, 2004) Matter and Materials: Characteristics of Objects and Properties of Materials
NT 5 K-6 Science and Technology Curriculum (NWT, 2004) Matter and Materials: Properties of and Changes in Matter
PE 5 Science Grade 5 (2012) Materials
PE 5 Integrated Curriculum Grade 5: Science (Draft 2023) DK 1.3: Physical and chemical changes can assist us in daily life and improve the world around us.
NL 1 Science 1 (2015) Unit 3: Properties of Objects and Materials
NU 3 K-6 Science and Technology Curriculum (NWT, 2004) Structures and Mechanisms: Stability
NT 3 K-6 Science and Technology Curriculum (NWT, 2004) Structures and Mechanisms: Stability
AB 1 Science 1 (2023) Matter: Understandings of the physical world are deepened by investigating matter and energy.
AB K Science Kindergarten (2023) Matter: Understandings of the physical world are deepened by investigating matter and energy.
AB K Science Kindergarten (2023) Earth Systems: Understandings of the living world, Earth, and space are deepened by investigating natural systems and their interactions.
MB 7 Science Grade 7 (2000) Cluster 3: Forces and Structures
NS 7 Science Grade 7 (2020) Learners will test the strength and efficiency of shapes and materials used in construction.
ON 7 Science and Technology, Grade 7 (2022) Strand D: Form, Function, and Design of Structures
PE 10 Science 421A (2019) Procedural Knowledge

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This week's episodes and hands-on activity explore re-engineering.


On this episode of Solutioneers, when Kat suggests the Solutioneers have to do something different for the National STEAM Speak competition, the team takes inspiration from previous examples of re-engineering, such as Galileo’s telescope, to modify their project idea instead of losing all the work they have done so far.

On this episode of the Solutioneers, the team takes inspiration from previous examples of re-engineering.

On Maker Space, David, Lilly and Burva try to conquer the difficult terrains on Mars, by exploring which EZRobot will have the best chance to move across the terrain successfully and which programming commands will get their EZ-Robot the farthest.

On this episode of Maker Space, David, Lilly and Burva test EZ-Robots for Mars.

And on Future Minds, meet David Vidican, who has created reflective materials for bikers and skateboarders and UV lights for cars. The UV lights make the reflective material light up to aid night driving. 

Meet David Vidican, who has created reflective materials for bikers and skateboarders and UV lights for cars.

Now it's your turn!

Solutioneers episode 2 activity header
Buiild a better backpack

Is your backpack a big jumbled mess? Does your recharging cord get wrapped around your indoor shoes? If you could build a better backpack, how would you change it? Using your backpack or school bag as a starting point, design and build a new and improved bag to meet all your needs.

Download the activity as a [PDF]


  • a backpack
  • Designing materials: pencil, paper, pencil crayons, markers, etc.
  • Building materials: found or recycled containers, plastic bags, scrap fabric, fun foam, string, felt, etc.
  • Fasteners: glue, tape, needle and thread, Velcro™, brass fasteners, staples, pipe cleaners, twist ties, etc.
  • Optional Items: insulating materials, decorative materials, safety-related materials, etc.


  1. Brainstorm all the features you think your backpack needs. These “must haves” and “must dos” will become your Testing Criteria for the new design in Step 4. 
  2. Design your backpack by making a labelled drawing.
  3. Build the changes into the backpack.
  4. Test and modify your design. Use the Design Testing Checklist to help with this.

Does your backpack hold everything it needs to? 
Is it comfortable? 
Would it change your balance if you were on a bike? 
How could it be even better?

thought bubbles with guiding questions for brainstorming
Thought bubbles with guiding questions for brainstorming



  1. List all the criteria you want your backpack to meet from Step 1. For example, Has a separate pocket to neatly store phone charging cord. 

  2. Check off each criteria that your backpack meets. For example, I am still able to balance my bike with my full backpack. 

  3. Determine the changes needed (modifications) to improve the design. For example, Add tie straps to hold the pack to my waist when I am biking.


Backback Design Testing Checklist
Testing Criteria √ / x Changes Needed √ / x

EXAMPLE: Has a separate pocket to neatly store phone charging cord. 

Yes, but move it to an easier to reach place on the backpack.
EXAMPLE: I am still able to balance my bike with my full backpack. x Add tie straps to hold the pack to my waist when I am biking. x


The process of changing and improving the design of a product or system is called re-engineering. By changing the design of a backpack to add new features you are re-engineering the pack. Technological innovations and the invention of new materials can lead to the re-engineering of products. The invention of Velcro™ in the 1950s dramatically changed the design of space suits. This new fastener made it much easier for astronauts to get in and out their bulky space suits. Soon after, it was incorporated into ski suits and scuba gear, and today it is widely used in the design of clothing, footwear, and even backpacks! 


The backpack can always be improved as you find problems you didn’t think of at first, and as you use it or try it out in new situations. This is the life of a designer - new insights from users arise as products are used and new iterations are produced in response. Can you think of how many updates you make to your mobile device or computer in a year?


Check out these cool careers that involve product design:

Try these other engineering challenges:



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