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Exit Slip

Exit Slip Learning Strategy

Exit Signs (Francisco Anzola [CC BY 2.0], Wikimedia Commons

Exit Slip Learning Strategy

Exit Signs (Francisco Anzola [CC BY 2.0], Wikimedia Commons


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This strategy helps students reflect on new learning by filling in a type of ‘ticket’ which is used to exit the class

Why use it?

  • To reflect or review learning of a new topic of study or discussion
  • To assess student learning at the end of a class or lesson

Tips for success

  • Prompts could have students:
    • Write about something new they learned.
    • Write a one- or two-sentence summary of what they learned.
    • Identify the three most important things they learned.
    • Write about the experience of learning the new material (i.e., how easy or hard it was to learn).
    • Self-assess their understanding of the material.
    • Write about connections and relevance to other classroom learning.
    • Develop questions/statements that are supported or refuted with information that can be found in the text.
    • Identify questions which they still have about the topic.
    • Anticipate what they still need to learn about the topic and/or what they would like to learn next.

How do I use it?

  • Choose an article or video that you want your students to read or view.
  • Create an Exit Slip for the given article or video using the Exit Slip Template or use one of the Ready-to-Use Exit Slip reproducibles.
Exit Slip Reproducible Template
Exit Slip Reproducible Template
  • Prompts can include questions, statements, scenarios, etc. The prompts should be open-ended and allow students opportunities to reflect on their learning.
  • Provide each student with a copy of the prepared Exit Slip (note that two copies can be made from one template page) towards the end of a lesson or class.
  • Completed Exit Slips can be handed in and used as an assessment of learning.


  • Put the prompts on index cards instead of the Exit Slip template.
  • Exit Slips can also be used in different ways:
    • Students pair up and share their responses with their partner and discuss their responses.
    • Completed Exit Slips are collected, shuffled (Card Shuffle) and then passed out to students randomly. Students read the responses on the card and then provide their input/feedback on the response. This could be repeated several times and then the responses are read out loud to the class to discuss.
    • A few of the submitted Exits Slips can be read out loud to the class. By having the students give thumbs up or thumbs down, you can get a general picture of the class’ understanding of the topic or article.


  • Completed Exit Slips can be handed back at a later date to have the students reflect on their learning after they have gone further in depth with a topic. Students can comment on how their learning/understanding has or has not changed.

Create Your Own

Ready to Use


Allen, J. (2004). Tools for teaching content literacy. Stenhouse Publishers.

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2003). Think literacy cross-curricular approaches, grades 7-12. Ontario Ministry of Education.